*✧Sports festivals suck (5)✧*

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Great. The sports festival.

I hate the sports festival with all my heart. It's basically gym class, but 10 times worse. A lot of people are watching and the events are annoying.

"Listen up! We only have one goal today!" Hairo screams. "VICTORY!"

"Yes!" yells the whole class in response.

Kusuo and I look at each other.

'Why couldn't we stay home today?' We ask our parents.

"No! We even brought a camera! We'll be recording the whole thing!"

'Great that makes it so much better.'


They go over to a tree, and dad starts taking pictures of mom. The battery immediately runs out.

'Just go home!'

"Never give up, class three!" Hairo is still at it.

'How long are you going to keep this up? it's annoying.'

'I mean I agree, but try to be a little nicer, Kusuo.'

"The sports festival? What a joke." I hear Kaido say.

'This is one of the rare times we agree on something. By the way your bandanna is off.'

"You are just bad at sports." Nendo says casually.

"Huh?!" Kaido yells.

"Nendo!" I yell at him too.

"Saiki, (Y/N)!" Says the all too familiar voice of Hairo. "I expect big things!"

"As you should."

'Don't expect anything.'

"Nendo!" He yells again. "I expect big things from you too!"

He pauses and looks at Kaido.

"Kaido! Well, do your best..." He raises a shaky thumbs up.

"What's up with your tone?!"

"Don't worry! We can win together! It will be tough this year."

He examines all of the teams.

"The first event is the men's 100-meter dash." says the announcer.

I guess that's my cue to go chill. 

"Hey, (Y/N)! Come sit here!" Chiyo calls me over.

I sit down with her, Teruhashi, and Mera.

"Do you guys think we'll win?" Asks Teruhashi.

'I hate losing.' she thinks

That's pretty obvious.

"I don't know, maybe." Mera seems more focused on my bag.

Oh, I brought snacks.

"I brought some potato chips if anyone wants some."

Mera is literally drooling.

"Ooh, I'll have some." says Chiyo.

"Thank you, (Y/N)" says Teruhashi, kindly.

I pull out a couple of bags and hand them out, and we begin to eat as the events start.

I look out to the track.

Kusuo's running for the team?

'Good luck!' 

'Thanks, I guess'

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