*✧First day of hell! (1)✧*

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'Yare yare another year of school' you sigh, looking at Kusuo.

'You mean hell?' Kusuo replies. 

You and him are next to each other in the school lineup, talking telepathically. 

There's one thing you can do that he can't...

"Guess who" Two large hands cover your face.

Read Nendo.

"Oh, hey Nendo!"

Well you can't exactly read his mind, you can somehow feel his presence and know what he is about to do. He apparently just doesn't have thoughts, so you can't tell exactly what he is thinking, you just know when he is about to do something, and what he is going to do.

You also talk...

"Aww how'd you know it was me?"


"Seems legit. Anyway, I'm real excite-" 


Suddenly, commotion erupts around you, as you see someone drop to the ground. Of you know nothing is actually wrong with him, but Nendo doesn't. He run towards the big lipped kid who fell. 

You pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance with the kid who Nendo is...

Wait what

Nendo is...kissing him?

Oh well. Saiki and you are called to take Nendo and his lover to the nurses office. Of course he couldn't be trusted on his own.

As he starts to go on about giving him mouth to mouth, the boy shoves him out of the way with a disgusted look on his face. 

"Mouth to mouth?! Are you stupid?!" He yells splashing himself with water.

"Oh so you are ok-"

"I was faking you idiot! Now people are going to think we are in love or something!"

'I guarantee no one is going to think that.' You and Kusuo think at the same time.

"Hey, Saiki and (Y/N) you better not tell anyone I was faking."

'Ok not like you would be able to do anything about it though' you say to your brother telepathically, gesturing a small flick. 

Kusuo cracks a grin.

'Does this mean my first kiss was Nendo? Man this sucks!' The large lipped boy thinks.

"You better keep this to yourselves."

"I heard that!" Matsuzaki walks in the room with a menacing look on his face.

What an idiot

"It was Nendo's idea! I'm such a bonehead for listening to him." The kid fake cries

Now that's a line that shouldn't be crossed.


"Is this true Nendo?" You're cut off by the gym teacher.

"What?" Nendo asks. 

"Hey Saiki and (Y/N), why are you here? Were they in on this too?"

"Saiki was (Y-Y/N) wasn't."

Are you kidding me?

"Hold on a second" says Nendo


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