*✧It's the season of joy! (7)✧*

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hehe so I took another long break because I'm lazy af, but I'm back again.

I hope you enjoy!


I had just got home from an outing with Nendo when I noticed something strange.

"Dad, take the cat out of your shirt."

"Oh, so that's what that was! I was about to ask, thank you." My mom sighs.

"Aww, your mother isn't going to let us keep it though..." He says pulling the cat out and sets it on our table.

"I don't want it either..." I say.

'WHAT? dang it, she's exactly like her brother!'

'Yep! But maybe you could stay outside. My dad would feed you, I'm sure.'

'WHAT? You can do that too?!'


'Can you not let him stay outside. He's a pain...' Kusuo intervenes. 

'It's up to dad, but he's not staying in the house.'

'Ugh, fine...'

"Can we keep him? I'll take care of him!" My dad yells.

'Buttering up humans is child's play. I'm going to take over this place!'

'I don't want him any more, Kusuo.' I say to him.

'See.' Kusuo says back.

"Sorry, I'm allergic to cats." My mom says, still smiling.

Me and Kusuo look at each other and smirk as the cat is thrown out.

'Too bad.'


'Ah, I love Christmas.' I say to Kusuo, as we walk home down the light covered streets.

'I hate it. The lights are pretty, but you can hear people's thoughts too, right?'

'Yes but can't you just ignore them and stop being such a downer? I get it's annoying, but don't let it ruin everything!'

'Ugh, the only ones really excited about Christmas are little kids and sappy couples. I guess you fit into the little kid category...'

'You know what, Kusuo? Sometimes I could just about kill you... I am not a little kid! I'm literally your same age!'

'Hmm I'm getting a bad feeling' Kusuo says as we reach the door to our house.

'Oh, Nendo's here!' I reach for the door handle, but Kusuo stops me.

'Are you an idiot? Why would you go to open the door? I'm sure we can stall 'till he's gone!'

I shrug and open the door.


Nendo and my mother greet us at the door.

"Oh! Ku, (Y/N)! welcome home!"

"Bud, where have you been?"

We enter our house, and Nendo and I talk about what we hope to get for Christmas, while my mother explains to Kusuo how Nendo was invited.

He can be so rude...

"Merry Christmas!" My dad bursts through the door, dressed in a Santa outfit with a bag slung over his back.

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