*✧Kusuko is best girl (8)✧*

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So I took a long break again, sorry. I've been pretty busy with school and everything, so I can only update when my time allows it. I will try to be more on top of it, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Whoah Takahashi bought the gorillarabbit strap!"

Says a group of boys across the room.

"What is it popular or something?" Takahashi asks.

"Did you not know that?" another asks.

Of course he knew. It's Takahashi the attention seeker.

The strange key chain is crushed the fist of our gym teacher.

"I'm confiscating this!" He yells and turns to the other students.

Takahashi falls to the ground when her sees the decapitated key chain.

"You there! What's that?" Mr. Matsuzaki yells at a student playing a video game.

"A game."

"I'm confiscating it!" 

"You too, what's that?" He points to another student.

"It's an automatic mah-johng table."

"Whatever I'm confiscating it!"

Why does she have that?

"You! what's that?"

He points to a student that appears to be cooking.

"Oh, a kebab."

"You don't need that! Confiscated!"

Why would you even bring that?

"Don't bring unrelated things to school!"

Mr. Matsuaki is feared by most students. And hated.

But I respect him. Kusuo does too, probably more than I do.


The bell rings, and Kusuo and I head out for the day.



'It seems Takahashi and his friends have plotted something to get back at Mr. Matsuzaki.'



'Well what, Kusuo?'

'Well, aren't you going to help me get him out of it?'


We teleport to the stairs just above Takahashi and his group. They are watching over mr. Matsuzaki as he stands at the back of the school.

'They wrote a fake letter to frame him as a pervert.'

'Gross. But what are we supposed to do, Ku?'

We wait until dusk and finally hatch a plan.


"So you finally came?" Mr. Matsuzaki asks.

I smirk a little from behind the bushes as I telepathically hear the group of boys say "Whaaaat?!"

Saiki Kusuo stands in front of the gym teacher. But something is different about him.

He's in the form of a girl!

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