~Extra (mini) filler! Chapter 5 and 3/4~

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I decided to make another filler, because I don't have time to watch the next episode again. Sorry, I will put the next chapter up soon.

Also if you are here can you say hi? I'm not sure if people are reading this lol

Thank you! I hope you like it!


'You're turning my anime into a romance.' I hear a familiar voice say as I sit in my room.

'First of all, Kusuo, what anime? And second of all, how is my life like a romance at all?'

'I must know what you see in Kaido.'

'What? I told you, he's my friend.'

'I've said this before, (Y/N), I can hear your thoughts.'

'Ugh. For the quiet kid at school, you are pretty annoying.'

'But what is so amazing about Kaido? He is delusional, he is too loud, he thinks he's a superhero, and he can't even swim without drowning...What is it?'

'He's a good friend, he's trustworthy, he's funny.'

'I guess. But you also think he's cute.'

'Damn, I wish I could just tell your brain to shut the hell up, but I can't.'


'Can you at least do me a favor?'

'On it.'

Kusuo comes in my room, and hands me a chocolate bar while treating himself to the coffee jelly he had just purchased. 

'Thanks' I say, still annoyed.


Sorry it was so short, I honestly have no idea what else to write. I'm on a bit of a block right now, but I will get the next chapter in as soon as I can. Thanks! :3

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