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What's one unforgettable thing you've seen in your life?

I once met a girl who had the most bewitching eyes. Her eyes captivates everyone. It was full of life. It sparkles. You can see how happy the girl is when you get to see her eyes. Her eyes could speak a thousand words.  Her happiness radiates and it can be seen through her eyes.

Was it unforgettable because her eyes is captivating?

It was unforgettable because those eyes who bewitched me many years ago, lost its life. No one knew why and how did it happen. But one day, her eyes was just there, but it doesn't sparkle like how it used to be. Its like its just doing its purpose, but it was barely living.

What happened to the girl who had a captivating eyes?

She doesn't seem sad. She laughed. She excelled in everything that she does. But you'll know that it was not the same as before.

Do you still see this girl? The girl with captivating eyes?

I  don't know where she is now. The last time I saw her was 3 years ago at the graduation ceremony.

Do you have a message for the girl with captivating eyes?

To the girl who bewitched me with a single glance, I hope you are doing fine. I hope you found the reason which can ignite the sparkle in your eyes.

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