Chapter 2: Mesmerized by Her

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"Anak, are you sure that I'll just drop you here? You know I can enter the university." My mom said. Some maybe asking why does my Mom still sends me to school even if Im already in the university. Well, there's nothing wrong with that. I find it sweet. But, my car was used by my Dad, because the aircon in his car got broken and it needs to be fixed.

"Its okay Mom. You'll be late at the hospital. I can take care of myself." I said. I took my seatbelt off and kissed my Mom goodbye.

As I walk pass the gate, I saw this girl. She's beautiful, and has a beautiful eyes. I wonder what's her degree program. She's talking to the other girl students, probably older than her.

"Im Thymine, as in one of the nucleotide bases" I heard her say that. Nice, a name based on the nucleotide bases. Its pretty, just like her. I continued walking and trying to figure out where the Faculty of Statistics is.

I tried searching the location of the building. When I found it, I immediately go to the classroom. As soon as I enter the door, its like I heard the angels sing Hallelujah. We are on the same degree program. I immediately noticed that there are still empty chairs beside her that is why I go straight there.

"Hi! Is this seat taken?" I asked her even if its pretty obvious that its empty.

"No, its not. You can take a sit." She said smiling at me. Her eyes are so pretty. Its shining. As soon as I settle down, she looked at me.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Wyatt Theodore Caddel." I immediately answered. You cant make a woman wait for your answer.

"Nice name." She said. I waited for a few minutes thinking that she will be saying her name. Even if I already knew about her first name. I looked at her only to find out that she is on her phone now. I didnt want to violate her privacy, so I tried to look at the room.

"Hey, lets proceed to the gymnasium. Freshmen are asked to go there now." She told me as she prepares herself to leave. After a minute or so, she looked at me. "You're not gonna introduce yourself?" I asked her.

"Oh my gosh Im sorry. Thats so rude of me. Im Thymine Rye Velasco. Thymine as in one of the nucleotide bases." She said, looking apologetic. She's really pretty and nice. Well, its not my intention to intimidate her of some sort. I just asked.

"Hahaha. Its okay dont worry." I dont know if my response is right. But, I just wanted her to feel good after I accidentally made her feel intimidated. "Lets go!"

When we were on the way to the gymnasium, Thymine saw her high school classmates. So, she asked me if its okay that we'll be joining them. Of course I said yes. I dont have a friend here so, I'll just go with her.

"Ayy! Parehas kayong english spokening dollar. Thy, ah!" I think it was Kyla who teased Thymine. But what caught my attention is the guy seating next to Thymine. I think his name is Felix. He was coughing after Kyla teased Thymine. I think he likes her. Oh well, I think they're not together since Kyla freely teased Thymine about me.

During the orientation, Thymine and I were just talking to each other. And I saw Felix look at me and Thymine, frequently.

During lunch, Thymine's high school classmate decided to ate at Jollibee. Unexpectedly, Thymine has lunch prepared with her so, she suggested that we eat together in the classroom.

"You know its very unusual for boys to prepare their food for lunch." She said, as we climb the stairs to reach the sixth floor.

"My mom wanted to prepare me lunch. She doesnt want us to always eat foods from fastfoods or from different eateries." I told her. My mom is a doctor that is why she's conscious about the food that we eat. "What about you? Why do you have packed lunch?"

"Ahh, Its tiring to go up and down the building. Hahaha." Well, she got a point there.

When we reached the classroom there are few students having their lunch here. We looked at a comfortable seat near the fan. She take her lunch out while I adjust the fan. There's tocino on her lunch box and some grapes. When I take my lunch box out, I saw what my mom prepared for me. Chicken Cordon Bleu and some banana.

"Jal meokkessumnida!" She said.

While we are eating I caught her looking at my food. I think she likes this dish. "Do you want one?" I asked her while offering my plate.

"Noooo!" She said defensively and looked at the other side. She surely wants one so, I gave her a piece. "You dont have to give me one." She said in a low voice.

"Its for your peace of mind. You might still think about what it tastes like, later. Hahaha." She's so cute especially when she's shy.

"Thank you. Hehe." She looked at me and gave me a cute smile. I just smiled back at her. And we continued eating our lunch. We sometimes talk about random thing such as our likes and dislikes.

On the afternoon, we just had 2 subjects. I was already home around 5 pm. My Dad picked me up since, he's just around the area. But, I managed to send Thymine to the jeepney station before my Dad arrives.

"How's the first day of school anak?" My Mom asked during dinner.

"It was fine." I said. Trying not to elaborate the details. She'll soon find out that there's a girl that I like. I cant keep a secret from them.

"There's a pretty girl you walked to the jeepney station." My Dad said.

"What pretty girl?" I tried to sound innocent.

"I saw you. I was in Jollibee, near the station. I bought you burger, remember?" He said, obviously teasing me.

"Is that true? Is she pretty Dad?" My Mom asked Him. "Anak, you should tell us about her." Knowing my Mom, she wont drop this topic until I tell her.

"Fine. Her name is Thymine, like one of the nucleotide bases and sh-" unfortunately, my Mom cut me off in the middle of my sentence.

"Ahh, her name is pretty. I really want to meet her as soon as possible." She said. That wont happen. I know she'll scare her.

"Mom! No! Its awkward. And its not like we're together. We're just classmates." I saw her frown. She probably realized how awkward it was. "And I think her friend likes her." I said, remembering how Felix look at her.

"Do you like her?" my Mom asked me.

"Well, Sort of? She's nice and friendly." I told her.

"I dont believe you. I think you like her not just because she's nice and friendly." She said. Well, Mom knows best.

After that, they still asked me a lot of questions about her. After dinner, I went to my room and studied our lessons.

It was already 12 when I decided to call it a day. Before I fell asleep, I just browsed my social networking site. And I saw Thymine changed her profile picture. She's really pretty, and nice too. But what caught my attention is her caption.

Everyday, I'll be choosing you.

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