Chapter 3: The Untold Secret

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When I reached home, I immediately took a shower and wear my pajamas. I started reading our lessons for tomorrow. At the middle of studying, I heard my phone vibrated.

Felix Antonio Bautista
Felix: Hey bb! U home already?
Me: Yas bb! Hbu?
Felix: On the way home.
Me: Take care bb. Im studying our lesson for tomorrow hihi.
Felix: Did I disturb you?
Me: Nah. Gwaenchana. By the way, what did you have for lunch?
Felix: I got Spaghetti and chicken. Hbu?
Me: Manang cooked tocino for me. She woke up late eh. And, Theo gave me a piece of his chicken cordon bleu made by his mom. And its delicious.
Felix: Wyatt? You ate lunch with him?
Me: Yas. He had his pack lunch.
Felix: I think he likes you.
Me: Impossible. He's just nice. And I think he likes you cause he cant stop looking at you
Felix: Tch. I really got this feeling. Btw, Im home. I'll just cook my dinner coz Mom still in her tutorial class.
Me: Okii bb. Love youuu.
Felix: Love you too bb mwah.

If you're wondering why Felix and I are too sweet, well, we've been together for almost 5 months now. Nobody knows that we're in a relationship except Vincent. He courted me since the 4th quarter of 11th grade. Since, we're close ever since 7th grade, nobody noticed that he was courting me. Its not that we're hiding it from other people, its just that nobody ask us about it.

After talking to Felix, I had dinner with my Mom and Dad. She just arrived from the company. While my Dad, just came from the site.

"Thymine, how's school?" My Mom asked. Well, she's kinda strict, but I actually understand why. She's a medicinal chemist after all. And she have to run the business that she built on her own.

"Its fine Mom. We had an orientation in the morning and a lesson in the afternoon." I said.

"Did you have friends?" My Dad asked. My Dad is not strict at all. He is a civil engineer and he also managed to build a high quality hollow blocks and he also owns an engineering firm.

"I had one. His name is Wyatt Theodore Caddel." I said. "His Mom and Dad are both doctors." I know they would ask so, I opted to tell them beforehand.

"I think they are the one who owns the SHC Hospital. The one nearby. Its a good family Thymine. It would be better if you will end up together." My Mom said.

"Mom! I dont like him romantically!" I said. I have a boyfriend for goodness sake. "You know I have a boyfriend."

"I know. But you know I dont like him for you. He's not good for you. Sooner or later, he'll leave you." My Mom said.

"Mom, dont do anything that could ruin our relationship." I said.

"Hahaha. Darling, even if I dont do anything, that is bound to happen." My Mom always tell me this.

"Stop it, girls. Hon, let's just let her choose whom she wants to be with. We'll be there with her no matter what." My Dad said. Well, there is a possibility that what my Mom said will happen. We arent sure about what would happen in our life.

"Fine. But I like the Caddel for you." My Mom said. She's like looking for someone to ship me with.

After that not so chaotic dinner with my parents, I continued studying. I also called Felix, so that we can study together. Around 11 pm, we already decided to sleep.

"Sweetie, its time to get ready for school" My Dad said. I lazily opened my eyes, and looked at the watch. Its currently 6:30 AM. My class starts at 10.

"Dad, my class starts at 10." I told him.

"But, your Mom and I needed to go to work at 8. Manang left for her day off last night and your driver is still on leave. No one would bring you to school."

"I'll just commute Daddy." I said.

"No. You already ride a jeepney yesterday. Good thing your Mom didn't know." My Dad said. "Your Mom would freak out if you ride a public transportation." And then I remember how my Mom freaked out when I ride in a jeepney when I was in my eleventh grade and got my phone stolen.

"Fine. I'll get ready now." I got out from the bed, hugged my Dad and kissed him on his cheek.

After getting ready, we were in a chaos because my Dad was all over the place. He was readying all the blueprints he made last night when my Mom spilled her coffee on Dad's blueprints. So, my Dad got tensed. They almost fought because of it. And then my Mom got an emergency meeting. So She got to work first. Her office is in opposite direction so I cant go with her. It was almost nine thirty but my Dad wasn't finished with what he was doing.

"Dad, I think I'll be running late." I said.

"Im not yet finished here Sweetie." He said. "Come, Ill send you to school first." He offered.

"No Dad. I know that one is important." I said. "Ill just commute."

I felt my phone vibrated and saw a chat from Theo.

Wyatt Theodore Caddel
Wyatt: Hey! Are u at school already?
Me: Not yet. A lot of things happened today at home. I think I'll be running late.
Wyatt: Whats your address?
Me: #118 Golden Palace Exclusive Village 1, Makati City
Wyatt: Oh! I live at Golden Palace Exclusive Village 2. I'll just pick u up.
Me: Really?! Okayyy. I'll wait for you.
Wyatt: Be there in five.

"Dad, Theo would just pick me up. You dont have to worry." I said.

"Thats better. Im so sorry Sweetie. I woke you up early, but you are now running late." He said.

"Its okay Daddy." I said. When I heard a car outside, I immediately got my bag and kissed my Dad goodbye. "Bye Daddy."

"Ill walk you out." He carried my bag and walked me out of the house. And there I saw Wyatt waiting outside our gate.

"Good morning Thymine! Good morning Sir!" He said and smiled. "Wyatt Theodore Caddel po" He said and offered his hand.

"Good morning. Ryan Alejandro Velasco. Thymine's Dad." Then accepted Theo's hand. "Your're the son of the owners of SHC Hospital?" Dad asked.

"Daddy!" I hissed. Its embarassing. I dont think its right to ask that.

"Uhmm yes, Sir." He said shyly.

"Just call me Tito." My Dad said and smiled. "Oh, you're running late. Go now. Drive safely, iho." My Dad reminded Him.

"Opo, Tito." He smiled. Then, we already entered his card. I saw Dad look at the car for a while. And got his phone in his pocket.

"You didn't tell me you just live in this village. I could've drop you home yesterday." He said. Well, I dont know he lives at the village next to ours.

"Well, we dont know each others address. But, good thing, you are basically our village neighbor so, I have someone to go with going to and from school." I said while smiling. I really like him as a friend because, he is so nice and I think he really listens to me when I tell him things.

"What happened to your house, anyways?" He asked.

And I told him about what happened to Mom and Dad this morning.

"I think, you're dad is cool." He said.

"Yes, he really is. Well, my Mom and Dad compliments each other. My Mom is strict while my Dad is cool."

"Well, my Mom and Dad are both cool. But Mom, is stricter than Dad sometimes."

While we are talking, I felt my phone vibrated.

Our Little Fam
Mom: @Thymine your Dad said Theo picked you up today.
Dad: Honey! I told you not to tell her that I told you.
Mom: I really like him for you.
Dad: I begin to agree with your Mom, thou.
Me: Mom, Dad, no.

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