cuddling with them

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[with: nanami, itadori, megumi, gojo] f.

-> NANAMI best cuddles out there you and nanami were both curled up in bed, the sun barley risen as you gaze at him from where your head rests on your pillow- watching his chest rise and fall as he still sleeps, messy hair sticking out around him "mornin' sleepyhead" you hear him murmur, arms snaking around your waist as he pulls you into him, nuzzling his head into your neck "good morning to you too 'nami" he smiles when he hears you say his name, heart beating just a little bit faster. it isn't often you can catch nanami in a cuddly mood, him usually already being up and out the house by the time you actually wake up, but you always make sure to savor the moments you do

-> MEGUMI sighed as he looked down at you, cheek smooshed against his chest, arms wrapped around his his middle. smiling softly, he leans down pressing a kiss to your temple, using a hand to run through your hair, enjoying the quiet moment between the two of you "hey 'gumi" he hears you murmur as you shift a bit, angling your head to look up at him "hey y/n, sleep well?" "mhm- ur nice and warm" he cheeks burn red at your comment, smile only growing- bringing his hands to your sides, he rubs them up and down, rough pads of his fingers trailing over the shirt your wearing- the soft gesture not going unnoticed "love u babes" "love you too"

-> ITADORI absolutely loves to cuddle with you, his favorite spot being him sitting on a giant plush chair, you sitting on top of him, practically koala-ing to him. you feel his heavy hands situated on your hips, thumbing small circles into your side as you rest your head against his shoulder, feeling the slight rise and fall of his chest against your body. taking both of your hands, you run them through his hair, feeling him melt into your touch before letting them fall back at your sides "y/n" he whined "don't stop" smiling to yourself, you resituate your hands back in his hair, slowly scratching his head in little rhythmic patterns, hearing him sigh at your delicate touch

-> GOJO fucking cuddle monster istg this man loves to cuddle, but he gets especially clingy and cuddly right before bed as you turn the lights out. "y/n" "yeah baby what's up?" "come'ere" you sigh, obliging your boyfriend as you lay down in his outstretched arms, feeling them wrap around you as you situate yourself on top of him. looking up, you see him watching you as he leans in to place a light kiss to your lips, pulling back with a soft smile "what would i do without you" he ponders softly, head cocked, a knowing smile plastered on his face "i don't think you'd make it one day" "rude- you suck at pillow talk" you hum in response, nuzzling yourself into his warm chest, content to drift to sleep in his embrace

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