"you could've been nicer to me today" tik tok prank

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[with: geto, gojo, nanami, choso] f.

-> GETO and you were both lounging in bed, him laying on your chest as you idly mess with his hair, one hand fiddling with the ends, another scrolling through tok tik when a video popped up on your fyp- a small grin tugging on your lips  "hey suguru?" "yeah" "i think you could've been nicer to me today" you can feel his head shift upwards, a shit eating grin plastered on his face "you think so?" "yeah" he hums in response, lifting himself off you before turning around to sit across from you on the bed "what can i do to make it up?" you pause, thinking about his payback "you can start by giving me a kiss" "a kiss hm?" he smiles, crawling back on top of you, face hovering right in front of yours as he leans in, pressing a soft kiss to your lips, pulling back slightly "better?" "mhm"

-> NANAMI "'ken" "mhm?" you frown as he continues to stare at his computer, not bothering to even fully respond "i think you could've been nicer to me today" "mhm" "kento?" "–" "say 'mhm' if you love me" "mhm" you sigh, a small pout jutting from your lips before you walk into his office, manuvering yourself onto his lap, grabbing his face in your hands as you force him to look at you "nanami kento you bet-" "yes love? could you give me a few seconds, i need to finish this up" "i- fine" you grumble, attempting to hoist yourself off of him to go sulk on the couch when you feel a hand on your hip, forcing you back down "i didn't say you could leave" he mumbles,  pushing you against him as his hand sneaks to the small of your back, running light circles over your shirt "stay here until i'm done, k?" who are you to argue?

-> GOJO had been laying across from you on the couch, completely and totally isolated from a wall of pillow he'd erected as he scrolled through his phone, not bothering to pay any attention to you "'toru?" "what's up" sighing, you prop yourself up, leaning over the little wall "hey hey what are you do-" "i think you could've been nicer to me?" "oh yeah?" you nod as you watch him process your words before venturing on over, resting eye level with you "why do you think that?" "well first off- you ate the last of the popcorn and left the empty bag in the cabinet AND then you stole all the hot water earlier for your shower when I Still Had To Shower, you also-" "ok ok i get it, i get it" "do you?" he smiles before flinging himself on top of you, peppering every bit of skin he can find with kisses, completely smothering you with his affection "'toru-" you chuckle as he finally lets up, placing a final kiss to the tip of your nose "was that better?" "much"

-> CHOSO internally panics when you tell him he could have been nicer, attempting to keep a cool face as he mulls through the day's events, trying to find what he did wrong. did he ignore you? missed a call? didn't give you enough attention? the dudes freaking out- only to be pulled out of his thoughts by you "choso?" "yeah?" "did'u hear what i said?" he nods meekly before shuffling towards you, pulling you into his arms, practically cradling you against his chest "did i do something wrong?" he murmurs, nuzzling his head against your neck as you hesitantly wrap your arms around him "what'dya mean?" "well you said i could've been nicer-" he stops as he feels you slightly shake in his arms, pulling back to see you laughing, a small frown tugging on the ends of his lips "what?" "your face!" you manage to say in between laughs "you looked so concerned" "wait so i didn't do anything wrong?"  you shake your head as you look up, your eyes meeting an exasperated choso "that wasn't funny" "it was a little bit" "no"

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