when you bleed through on your period- reactions

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[with: toji, nanami, itadori] f.

-> ITADORI you and itadori had been curled up in bed, both sprawled out across the bed, blankets jumbled around in disarray when he got up to get water- peeling back the blankets to see a dark stain on the bed. realizing what it was, he poked your shoulder "pst y/n- y/n y/- there you are baby, i'm gonna go draw a bath but i think you got some blood on the bed" you're rubbing the sleep out of your eyes when you hear him say that, eyes widening as you roll over to see the stain "shit yuji i'm so sor-" "uh uh- don't apologize- here give me a sec" he darts off to the bathroom, flipping the light switch on as he turns the faucets, the bath tub slowly filling up. "hey babe- is ready whenever u r" he calls out as you make your way to the doorway, yuji placing a soft kiss to your head as he leaves you be "i'm gonna go try and make breakfast" key word try"but its 3 am?" "why not?"

-> TOJI had been chilling on the couch with you, both on opposite ends, feet stretched out touching each other "toji i'm hungry" "what do you want me to do about it" frowning, you get up, heading towards the kitchen to scrounge up something while toji stays on the couch, still scrolling through his phone, only looking up to see a small dark spot staining the surface, already knowing what it is. finishing up in the kitchen, you head back to the couch only to get fresh clothes thrown in your face "here" "uh- whats-" "you might wanna change" you sit there for another second, still confused before looking over to see the stain "oh- crap m'sorry" he shrugs, reaching over to grab your hand, pushing you into the bedroom to change as he gets to work cleaning "do you need hel-" "i've got it, just clean your self up"

-> NANAMI and you had both been out running errands when you'd strayed a few paces ahead of him as he stopped to look at a new suit in a nearby window, the fancy material catching his eye. as he turned to catch up to you though, he saw a small red stain growing on the bottom of your shorts, eyes widening in alarm as he ran to catch up to you "y/n put this on- no 'round your waist- yeah" "whats this for" "you bled through" your eyebrows raise in surprise, noticing a slight pink dusting nanami's cheeks "thanks babe but i don't wanna get your jacket dir-" "you're fine, lets just get home" "mhm" reaching over, you feel his fingers lace with yours, hand engulfing yours "thanks ken, love you" "love you too"

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