how they say they love you without actually saying it

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[with: itadori, megumi, gojo, inumaki] f.

-> ITADORI loves to pepper your face with kisses, making sure to cover every square inch of your face. soft, featherlight kisses trailing down your forehead, pausing at the tip of your nose before moving to the corners of your mouth [you can feel the upturn of his lips as he continues to sprinkle your face with kisses- your skin hot against his mouth. feeling him hum against you, he places a final kiss to your lips, soft and sweet just like him]

-> MEGUMI is always sending you book recommendations, ones he saw that remind him of you, ones that he's read and really liked, books with interesting colors- all of them. ["hey y/n, thought of you when i read this book and i thought you might like it  -love, 'gumi" you smile as you read the note, picking up the book underneath it, turning it over as you examine its cover, eyes drifting over the title- a soft blush dusting your cheeks at the idea of him thinking about you]

-> INUMAKI likes to leave you little notes, sometimes going to the length of writing long paragraphs about you, his day, how much he loves you, all of it- he knows that you can't hear him tell you how much he cherishes you, making sure to not miss a single detail in the notes [you smile as you read the note, eyes trailing over the contents as a blush settles on the tips of your ears- sighing slightly, longing to see your boyfriend, knowing soon you will so you can properly thank him for the message]

-> GOJO shows his love for you through massages, always seeming to know when you're tense, deft fingers melting away any troubles stored in your shoulders. he loves the way you practically melt into his arms, always making sure to cuddle you afterwards ["mhm gojo, right there-yeah" he smiles as his hands continue to massage your shoulders, eyes watching your reactions, judging his movements "love you y/n" "love you too"]

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