falling asleep on their shoulder

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[with: megumi, itadori, nanami, gojo] f.

-> GOJO lil shit smirks when he looks down to see your head leaning against him, his shoulder being the only thing keeping you upright. he can't help but admire you for a few seconds, wishing he could trade places with you before slowly pulling out his phone, snapping a few quick "ugly" pics to save for later. once he's done, he leans back, letting you down onto his lap as he strokes your arm, head leant back towards the sky, a soft smile ghosting his lips

-> MEGUMI looks down after feeling a soft thump on his shoulder, seeing your head resting gently against it, eyes closed, mouth slightly open as you slept. smiling softly, he reaches with his opposite arm to brush your cheek before slowly situating you so you're leaned against his chest, arms wrapped around you, protecting you from the outside world. just you and him

-> ITADORI does his best to stay still when he see's you peacefully resting, cheek smooshed against his shoulder. his eyes gaze over you fondly, eyeing the contour of your face, the way your lashes flutter every so often, the way your mouth rests closed, the way your eyebrows lay relaxed for once. he slowly brings you in between his legs so he can rest his chin against the top of your head, placing a soft kiss before he falls asleep with you

-> NANAMI freezes up the moment he feels your head touch his shoulder, hesitantly looking down at your sleeping figure, body splayed out next to his. he shakes his head, bringing up an arm to wrap around you, pulling you closer to him as he presses a chaste kiss to your temple- murmuring how much he loves you, savoring the soft moment, all smiles as a red blush paints his cheeks

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