peppering their faces with kisses tik tok trend

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[with: megumi, choso, nanami] f. s.

-> NANAMI had just gotten home, eyelids heavy from a long day of work, hands fumbling with the knot in his tie trying to loosen it as he hears your foot steps pad down the hall- glancing up for half a second to see a smirk plastered on your lips as you walk up to him, placing a kiss on his cheek. you can feel a smile turning the corners of his mouth as you go to press another kiss to the bridge of his nose, to his forehead, to his other cheek, finally resting on his mouth as you loop your arms around his neck, a bright blush spreading across his cheeks "hey kento" "hi y/n, seems like someone missed me" you hum, detangling your arms from his neck as you make yourself busy fiddling with his tie, fingers easily untying on the knot as nanami's hands settle on your waist. feeling a finger tap your hip, you look up to see his eyes glowing a little brighter as he leans back in to kiss you, lifting one hand to tilt your face upwards, you tugging lightly on his tie, pulling him over to meet you, a soft groan leaving him as you pull away "welcome home"

-> CHOSO had been half lying-half sitting on the couch, arms clutching a pillow as he scrolled through his phone, oblivious to you turning the corner of the couch, headed straight towards him. letting out a sigh, you climb on top of him, straddling his waist as he tosses the pillow away with a huff, a lazy smile stretching his features as you takes you in, warmth pooling in his gaze. sliding your hands up his arms, you pull him closer, beginning to pepper his face with kisses as he melts against you. you can feel him beginning to get impatient as he pulls you closer towards him, planting his lips on yours, deepening the kiss as his tongue swipes over your bottom lip, a soft groan leaving his lips as you pull back just slightly "what was that for?" his voice husky as he runs a hand down your arm "just felt like kissing you, why?" "no not that- why'd ya pull away?" "you like my kisses?" shaking his head, he tugs you back in for one more kiss, finger tracing your jaw line as he mumbles something against your lips "huh?" "i said- i Love your kisses"

-> MEGUMI you had been lying underneath him, hands resting on his back as he nuzzled his head into your neck, breath hot against your skin "gumi" "mhm?" you shift underneath him as he pulls back, megumi leaning on his forearms as you rest your hands on his cheeks, eyes softening as you press a kiss to the tip of his nose, a kiss to his forehead, a kiss to the slope of his jaw, a kiss to his temple, anywhere and everywhere you can reach all the while megumi is blushing brighter than a tomato, eyes frantically darting around, not sure where to look. breathing a sigh of relief as you pull back, he drops back down against you with a slight oof, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling who knows what as he pulls you tighter against him "you good over there?" "whasfsd wasds thas faorur" "what'dya say?" "what was that for" "you're sugar bowl was low" "my what?" you sigh, bringing up a hand to scratch his head "i said ur sugar bowl was low, you needed kisses" "kisses" he deadpans, not bothering to hoist himself back up to look at you "yeah" he's silent for a few moments before you feel him begin to press light kisses against your collar bone "well i guess- that means- that your's- is pretty low- right now- huh?" you chuckle lightly, a soft sigh parting your lips as you melt into the couch, megumi's lips trailing from your collar bone, up your neck, hungrier with each kiss until he reaches your mouth, pressing one long final kiss before lifting himself off you and the couch "that's all for you" no fair, come back here and give me kiss pls and thanks

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