The Atmarama Himself

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The Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna certainly has no business being anyone's husband or son or father, because everything belongs to Him and everyone is under His control. He does not require anyone's help for His satisfaction. He is Atmarama Himself. He is self satisfied; He can derive all pleasure by Himself, without anyone's help. When the Lord descends to play the part of a human being, He plays a role either as a husband, a son, a friend or an enemy, in full perfection. As such, when He was playing as the perfect husband of the queens, especially of his beloved Rukmini, He enjoyed the conjugal love in complete perfection.

According to Vedic culture, although polygamy is allowed, none of the wives should be ill treated. In other words, one may take many wives only if he is able to satisfy all of them equally as an ideal householder; otherwise it is not allowed. Lord Krishna is the world teacher; therefore, even though He had no need for a wife, He expanded Himself into as many forms as He had wives, and He lived with them as an ideal householder, observing the regulative principles, rules and commitments in accordance with the Vedic injunctions and the social laws and customs of society. For each of His 16,108 wives, He simultaneously maintained different palaces, different establishments and different atmospheres. Thus the Lord, although one, exhibited Himself as 16,108 ideal householders.


And that's it. This is the last chapter of the book and it's complete.

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