A true and pure devotee

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"You have described yourself as penniless(poor), but this condition is not poverty. Since there is nothing in existence but yourself, you do not require to possess anything--you yourself are everything. Unlike others, you do not require to purchase anything extraneously. With you all contrary things can be adjusted because you are absolute. You do not possess anything, but no one is richer than you. In the material world no one can be rich without possessing. Since your Lordship is absolute, you can adjust the contradiction of possessing nothing but at the same time being the richest. In the Vedas it is stated that although you have no material hands and legs, you accept everything which is offered in devotion by the devotees. You have no material eyes and ears, but still you can see everything everywhere, and you can hear everything everywhere. Although you do not possess anything, the great demigods who accept prayers and worship from others come and worship you to solicit(effortless to your specific goal) your mercy. How can you be categorized among the poor?"

"My dear Lord, you have also stated that the richest section of human society does not worship you. This is also correct, because persons who are puffed up with the material possessions think of utilizing their property for sense gratification(pleasing). When a poverty-stricken man becomes rich, he makes a program for sense gratification. This is due to his ignorance of how to utilize his hard-earned money. Under the spell of the external energy, he thinks that his money is properly employed in sense gratification, and thus he neglects to render transcendental(truth, beauty and goodness) service. My dear Lord, you have stated that persons who possess nothing are very dear to you; renouncing everything, your devotee wants to possess you only. I see, therefore, that a great sage like Narada Muni who does not possess any material property is still very dear to you. And such persons do not care for anything but your Lordship."

"My dear Lord, you have stated that a marriage between persons equal in their status of social standing, beauty, riches, strength, influence and renunciation(the act of rejecting) can be a suitable match. But this status of life can only be possible by your grace. You are the supreme perfectional source of all opulences. Whatever opulent status of life one may have is all derived from you. As described in the Vedanta-sutra, janmadyasya yatah: you are the supreme source from which everything emanates, the reservoir of all pleasures. Therefore, the persons who are endowed with knowledge desire only to achieve you, and nothing else. To achieve your favor, they give up everything--even the transcendental realization of Brahman. You are the supreme ultimate goal of life. You are the reservoir of all interests of the living entities. Those who are actually well-motivated desire only you, and for this reason they give up everything to attain success. They therefore deserve to be associated with you. In the society of the servitors and served in Krishna consciousness, one who is not subjected to the pains and pleasures of material society, is not a sure devotee of you my lord. Therefore, everyone, man or woman, should seek to be an associate in your society of servitors(one who performs the duties of a servant) and served. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead; no one can excel you, nor can anyone come up to an equal level with you. The perfect social system is that in which you remain in the center, being served as the Supreme, and all others engage as your servitors. In such a perfectly constructed society, everyone can remain eternally happy and blissful."

"My Lord, you have stated that only the beggars praise your glories, and that is also perfectly correct. But who are those beggars? Those beggars are all exalted devotees, liberated personalities and those in the renounced in order of life. They are all great souls and devotees who have no other business than to glorify you. Such great souls forgive even the worst offender. These so-called beggars execute their spiritual advancement of life, tolerating all kinds of tribulations in the material world. My dear husband, do not think that out of my inexperience I accepted you as my husband; actually, I followed all these great souls. I followed the path of these great beggars and decided to surrender my life unto your lotus feet."

"You have said that you are penniless, and that is correct. You distribute yourself completely to these great souls and devotees. Knowing this fact perfectly well, I rejected even such great personalities like Lord Brahma and King Indra. My Lord, the great time factor acts under your direction only. The time factor is so great and powerful that within moments it can effect devastation anywhere within the creation. Considering all these factors, I thought Jarasandha, Shisupala and similar other princes who wanted to marry me to be no more important than ordinary insects."


Hello my dear saakhiyon. I updated my another chapter. I hope you all love it.

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