Chapter Twenty-Six: Mental Battle

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My screams were mixed with a gun shot and the loud shattering of glass. I wanted to close my eyes my held them open. They grew as I watched the shards of glass fly through my skin. I quickly stood up and watched as the glass shards cut through me painlessly as if I were air.

I held my hands out in front of me and tried to catch the glass, but it just cut through my hands, not leaving pain or a single scratch. I turned around to look at where the glass was coming from and realized it was coming from a broken mirror. My body quickly spun to search for the person who shot the mirror.

No one.

My head shot around the room in different directions, but no one was in here. I looked down to look at my body, but I came face to face with myself. Another mirror, only this time it was on the ground.

I let out a piercing scream as I looked at myself. I remember this me. The me I was staring at was the me I left at home. She was young and scared. Tears left trails down her cheeks and she shook in fear.

"What?" I said out loud and froze. This was my actual voice. I stumbled backwards until my back hit something. I turned quickly to find myself pushed against Mariah. She didn't say anything. Her face shook from side to side in slow motion as fear was evident on her face. Her eyes were locked on something behind me.

I spun around to watch as the thirteen year old me run after with a knife in her hand. She held the knife up as she ran and I caught a glimpse of myself. The scar was evident as it ran down the side of my face. My clothes were blood stained as were my face and hands. I couldn't scream. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I held out my hands to protect myself, but it didn't help.

All that I could do was watch.

I jolted awake as the seatbelt held me back against the seat. My breathing was rough and my palms felt sweaty. I rubbed my hands down my face and sighed.

"You okay, Kitten?" Greyson asked as we made a turn.

"Yeah," I said as I let out a breath. I really wanted to snap at him for the use of the annoying nickname again, but I let it slide. "Bad dream." I watched as he pursed his lips and nodded in understanding.

"What about?"

"I war...with myself." I said slowly. That was the only way to think of it. My mind immediately went back to the dream I had at the hospital. My life was a constant battle all of a sudden.

Greyson didn't reply. I leaned against the seat and closed my eyes. I relaxed against the leather and let my tongue moisten my dry lips.

"How long until we get there?" I asked. I wanted out of this car. My legs were stiff and my clothes were sticking to me in an uncomfortable way.

"Five minutes tops." He stated simply. I smiled at the thought of finally getting out of this car. Right now the only two things I like about it is that it smells like Greyson and Greyson is in it.

We made a few more turns before we could eventually see a large house. It was almost as big as our pack house. He parked the car and immediately I was out. My legs felt like jello so just seconds after getting out I was on my knees. I let my body fall backwards so I was laying on my back.

I sat there staring at the sky that was starting to set. As I did, I heard Greyson's car door shut and footsteps coming my way. I angled my head to see Greyson chuckle at me.

"Come here." He tried to sound stern, but the way his lips curved  at the ends made me smile.

"Yes, Alpha." I said playfully as I sat up. His smile faded into a thin line as his usual grey eyes shifted from black to the usual grey color for a few seconds. I smiled knowing just how easy it was to do that to him.

I pushed myself off the ground with my hands and then walked over to his side. I brushed the dirt off of my hands onto my sweats that I still hadn't changed from this morning.

Greyson took my hand in his as we walked over to the front door of the house. I felt eager to get inside of the house for some reason. I eagerly knocked on the door before Greyson could which caused him to chuckle. We waited a moment before the door flew open to a girl around my age. She had dark brown hair and big brown eyes. She scanned over Greyson and I quickly.

"Alpha. Um..Alpha's girlfriend?" She questioned.

"Mate." I corrected.

"Oh. Didn't see the mark." She said. My smile faltered slightly. Did Greyson want to mark me? He never brought it up. "My apologies Luna. I'm Mae. I'm supposed to take you to our alpha. Please, follow me. Someone will be out to collect your things." She said sweetly. She turned around and began walking. We followed her as she did.

She lead us up a few flights of stairs and down a long hallway until we were at a large door. It felt like I was meeting Greyson all over again. The thoughts of how Tyler had to handcuff me to actually get into the car and when we met Greyson how much I despised him flooded into my mind.

Mae's small hand knocked on the large door. Almost immediately a man's voice said 'come in.' We did as we were told and entered the room.

The walls were a creme color and the floors were wooden. At the far right corner there was a desk there. Sitting behind the desk was a man and woman that looked to be Greyson's age. The man had short chestnut brown hair with dark brown eyes. The woman beside him had platinum blonde hair and brown eyes as well. Long eyelashes covered in mascara complimented her eyes beautifully and her face was flawless.

Immediately, I felt the need to put a bag over my head. The scar being my biggest concern. Greyson squeezed my hand sensing my uneasiness.

"Greyson!" The blonde squealed and jumped off of the man's lap. She ran over to Greyson and just as she was about to hug him she froze. "Crap. I mean, hey Greyson." She said coolly, "Sorry, I forgot he was bringing you. I get how annoying it is to watch another woman hug your mate." She apologized as she looked at me.

"I'm Eve. This is my mate Maxwell." She introduced herself and the man to me. Maxwell stood up and came to his mate's side.

"Aye, man." Greyson greeted and they did this weird bro-hug thing. They pulled away and then Maxwell took my hand and kissed the top of it.

"I've heard a lot about you." He said. I noticed Eve scratch her wrist uneasily. I smiled and pulled my hand away trying not to seem rude.

"I suppose now would be a good time to introduce my mate formally. Max, this is Alex." Greyson introduced. I smiled, but it wasn't completely real. I noticed the few glances he gave my scar.

"Pleasure to meet you." Max said with a smile. I nodded and glanced back at Eve. I noticed the mark on her neck as she turned to say something to Max and stared at how intriguing it was. It was simple. Almost seemed like a scar. Just a simple MRB that puffed off of her skin slightly. I brought my hand up and rubbed the part between my neck and shoulder where my mark would be. I think Greyson noticed because he wrapped his arms around me from behind and brought his lips close to my ear.

"Don't worry. We can wait as long as you need." He said lowly. His hot breath fanned my neck. I sent shivers down my spine as I let out a deep breath.

What if I didn't want to wait any longer?


You're welcome. So I have so much planned out I am so excited omg. It is gonna get so good >:)

I've been trying to update a lot more because I have another idea for a book and it's going to change the rules of wattpad. Its gonna be fabulous!

Okay so if you guys have any questions then comment and ill try to answer them bc i havent done this isn a while.

Stay awesome gotham.

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