Chapter Thirty-Three: Social Butterfly: Not Today

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Comment on mistakes bc I was too lazy to edit and I owed you all an update.

I yawned as I stretched out on the bed. My hand laid across Greyson's naked chest as I did so. I smirked as I looked down at the mess we made.

I should probably put some clothes on.

I huffed as I sat up and walked out of bed. I grabbed a new pair of underwear and a bra and slipped them on. I walked into Greyson's closet and slipped on a white tee shirt before slipping on a pair of sweatpants. I honestly didn't even care that my purple bra was visible through the shirt.

I walked back into our room to see Greyson with his hands covering his face. I leaned against the wall as I watched him.

"You scratched me pretty damn hard." He groaned as he moved his hands to look at me. He pushed himself up using his elbows so his chest was more visible.

There was a long scratch from his collar bone down to his belly button. I sucked in a breath.

"We can try again in a few days-"

"Alex, do you really think this is helping?" He interrupted me. I bit my bottom lip as his grey eyes stared directly into mine.

"Well, I mean it seems to bring her back." I tried to reason.

"Kitten, this isn't doing anything." He said. I didn't want to believe what he was saying. "You either end up hurting yourself or me, and we both know that either way it hurts you." Hearing the words come out of his mouth made me angry.

For days we've been trying to bring her back, but it either ends up with me thriving in pain or Greyson almost being ripped to shreds. Greyson has a theory that my emotions are attached to his. Anytime both of us hit an emotion strong enough at the same time she comes out, but it's strange because she's much stronger. Greyson's scratches should heal in minutes, but usually it takes about a day.

I shuffled over to the bed as Greyson held his arms open. I flopped onto the bed and scooched my way into his lap. He wrapped his arms around my and sat his chin on top of my head.

"This shit is making me crazy." I mumbled as I bit my thumbnail.

"You've been making me crazy since my eighteenth birthday which was when? Nine? Ten months ago?" He said huskily. I chuckled and snuggled into his chest even more.

"You know, you should really put some pants on or at least some boxers because this blanket is pretty low." He just rolled his eyes and pushed me off of him. I couldn't help the laugh that came out as I tumbled off the bed. I just laid there on the floor and laughed as Greyson put clothes on.

After a minute of just laying there, he finally came around the bed and picked me up as if I weighed nothing. I felt like a kid as he just held me in the air with his hands under my arms.

"Greyson! Put me down!" I yelled as I kneed him in the stomach. He let out a groan as he doubled over a dropped me. I crumbled to the floor as did he.

"Ugh. Thanks Grace." I groaned out after my head hit the floor.

"Anytime." He groaned as he stood up with his hand on his stomach. That was when I remembered the scratch which probably still hurt like a bitch.

I pushed myself off of the floor as I rubbed my forehead. I leaned my back against the wall as I watched Greyson sit on the edge of the bed.

"That party is today." Greyson said making me growl. I've been trying not to think about that.

"I know." Suddenly, any form of nice emotion I had was out the window. I seem to be at war with myself lately. I feel bipolar.

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