Chapter Twenty: Then I Just...

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I chuckled as Greyson joked about how the fact he's failing history wasn't his fault.

"It is too!" I laughed out loud as he rolled his eyes. The car was speeding around various turns. Greyson seemed completely in control of it, so I wasn't paying it much attention.

"No. She is failing to educate me on something I don't care about," he stated. I laughed and couldn't help but notice just how much he and Riley looked alike when they were angry.

We had been driving for nearly an hour now. It's was nice, relaxing. I felt safe with him.

"Come on. Smile for once," I said as he glared out the window. He turned to me and narrowed his eyes on me.

"Says you," he shot back jokingly. "I thought that's all you knew how to do at first."

"Hey!" I snapped and slapped him. He laughed loudly and grabbed my hand before I could pull it back. I didn't question him as he quickly entwined our fingers together. I liked the feeling it brought me.

I watched as he smiled and focused on the road. It made me smile, too.

"I like when you smile," I said. Instantly his smile faded into a blank face. I scoffed and turned to look out the window.

"You're so immature," I muttered. I could see him smile from the corner of my eye, but when I turned back to him it dropped into a frown again. This went on for a while before I finally got frustrated.

"Fine," I snapped as I pulled my hand out of his. His head quickly shot in the direction of mine.

"Now, that was immature," he stated. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Fine," he mimicked me. Then, he placed his hand on my thigh. My heart sped up, and my face felt hot.

I looked at him as he smirked. I could do that too, asshole.

I laid my hand on his thigh and ran my hand up and down. I smirked when he tensed up, but the fact that his hold on my thigh got even tighter made him smirk as well. I huffed and leaned against the seat angrily.

"That's dumb anyway. I refuse to stoop to your level," I retorted. He just shrugged and stroked my thigh with his thumb.

We sat in silence for a while before he eventually spoke up.

"How's Ashton?" He asked in his usual monotonous tone. I frowned slightly at the thought of my little brother. I hurt him. I hurt him bad.

"I don't know," I said honestly. He doesn't talk to me. He will glare at me from down the halls, sometimes. That's it mainly. It's hard watching the boy that I had known since birth suddenly turn into a monster. "I'm gonna make sure he's okay. I'm trying."

"He looks just like you." Greyson said with a side smile. I nodded and thought about the brown-haired devil. I thought about the way his creamy, chocolate brown eyes looked so betrayed when he spoke to me earlier in the cafeteria.

"You've changed lately," Greyson stated bluntly. I bit my lip and watched as he gripped the steering wheel. "Why?" I wasn't sure how to really answer the question. I wasn't sure my feelings and thoughts could be put into logical terms.

"At first, I thought I could prove to Ashton that I hadn't changed. I was still me and he should just be him," I started saying as I looked at Grey's hand on my lap, "but then I couldn't help but change for you, too. I was waiting for you to change, but when you came back with my parents I realized that I was the one pushing this all away." Greyson bit his bottom lip and stared emotionlessly out the window.

"You had reasons," he said. His eyebrows were scrunched together as he made a sharp turn. I watched the road as slush from the snow started to collect on the ground. "I was an asshole to you. I should have realized that I wasn't doing any good." I could tell he was getting mad. He looked like he was having an internal battle and I could only assume he was mentally arguing with his wolf.

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