Chapter Twelve: Momma's Boy

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I held his hand as we walked by the lake. His hand was warm and I almost wanted to giggle at the way he watched the water.

"Ally, this water ain't blue!" Riley screamed as he pointed at the green water. I chuckled and shook my head.

"That's because it's dirty water, Lee," I said. He stared at the water and furrowed his brows.

"Why's the water dirty?! Water ain't supposed to be dirty!" He panicked. He looked so angry and confused by the fact that the water wasn't clean.

"Riley, calm down. Let's head home. Your mom's gonna want you back." I yanked on his little hand and started walking back in the direction of the house.

To say things have gotten better with Greyson are a no. After that whole meaningful talk thing, he and his dad had to go to a pack in Canada, and they won't be back for nearly a week or two.

It's been four days and to say Andrew and the other two idiots are close isn't even close. It's like we've known each other since we were born.

After becoming friends with Andrew, Brennan, and Xavier, a lot of people started talking to me. People who wouldn't even give me a second look before.

Karissa and Shawn are the only two who still talk to me. Austin is just flat out angry, Dylan is so upset he can't even look at me without crying, Shane just ignores me, and Gabby just side smiles. Never even says hi.

Riley's mom, Amy, who is Greyson's step mom was very weary of me at first. She would always watch me like a hawk, especially around Riley, but she's loosening up.

As Riley and I made our way into the house, people smiled and waved. I smiled back lightly and continued dragging Riley through the house.

Thanks to the great gift of gossip, everyone mainly knows about Greyson and I. It's extremely awkward for me. No one looks at me the same way. It worries me. Who am I supposed to be now?

As Riley and I made our way up to the top floor of the house, he squeezed my hand while belting out the lyrics to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I hummed along as we climbed the stairs.

We made it to the top floor and entered the main office where Amy was. Amy jumped up as soon as she realized Riley and I entered the room and walked over to us.

"Was he okay?" She asked as she stared at me worriedly. I shook my head at her. Mothers. I wasn't one for children, so I didn't exactly expect myself to act like her.

"He was fine." I said and he giggled.

"Mumma, Ally and me seen dirty water!" He giggled and had an expression on his face like he had done something bad, but was getting away with it.

"Well, that's just great Ry," she laughed and kissed the three year old's cheek. I bit the inside of my lip and stared at them. What I'd give to have my mom kiss me on the cheek one more time.

"Can I ask you something?" I blurted out. Amy's head looked up and her eyes met mine with worry. She nodded her head anxiously.

"Of course, hon," she said.

"Maybe we should sit down. This is kinda hard for me to ask," I admitted. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a couch in the office. I plopped down with Riley on my lap and a worried Amy beside me.

"What's wrong, Alex?" Amy asked as she rubbed her thumb in circles on the back of my hand. I sucked in a breath and squeezed my eyes shut and opened them back up.

"What would you do if Greyson, lets say ran away, when he was like twelve?" I asked hesitantly. Her eyes opened and she looked lost in thought.

"You know, that's actually funny you asked. Greyson nearly ran away when he found out I was pregnant with this idiot," Amy said and poked Riley's shoulder. He giggled and pushed her hand away. "I remember telling him about it, and he was so angry. He fought with his dad for weeks until he just disappeared one day. I went crazy," she stated. "We found him, though. He was crying. At his mom's grave about an hour and a half away." My throat felt dry as Amy told the story. I was curious what she felt, though.

"What did you do? I mean feel. While this was all happening?" I asked. She's the closest thing to answers I'll have at this moment.

"I felt awful. I felt incapable of ever having another child. I felt like a sorry excuse for a mother. Every moment my little boy was gone, so was I. He was gone for nearly twelve hours. I wasn't myself at all. I cried mostly that day, and when we finally found him I couldn't stop crying," she said and breathed in heavily, "When a mother looses one of her children, it kills her. Even though I didn't conceive Greyson, he will always be my baby boy." I grinded my teeth together as Amy told the story. Was my mom still crying? Did she stop feeling like a mother?

"May I please be excused?" I choked out. My mouth felt dry, and I wasn't sure how I was feeling. I'm sure thinking about your own funeral would be less painful than this. Hell, I'm probably planning my own fate. Is leaving your mother or father behind to feel so much sorrow and pain a sin? I'm probably in hell already. My own version of it.

"Of course, " Amy said with fear filling her eyes. Her face was hard as stone and Riley stared at me curiously.

"Your eyes are weird," Riley blurted out. I blinked furiously knowing exactly why he thought they looked weird and picked up Riley. I sat him next to me on the couch and then ran out of the room. I wandered downstairs holding my hand against my forehead as my head spun. Thoughts of every single piece of a mess I had created swirled around in my head.

Thoughts of my mom crying at nights flooded my brain. Memories of arguments between my dad and I invaded my mind as I walked faster through the house. My stomach felt sick and every moment another thought would creep it's way into the depths of my mind and make me even more queasy.

I barged into a bathroom and leaned over the toilet as contents of my stomach exited my mouth. I cried from the burning feeling in my throat and the memories of my parents.

I felt the hair being pulled from the sides of my face. A hot breath fanned the back of my neck as my hair was pulled behind my head.

"It's gonna be okay, Alex." Her words comforted me. I gasped and my head whipped around to stare at her. Her small face smiled at me, and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "It smells like puke in here." I chuckled at her words and pulled away. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and she rolled her eyes. "That's gross," she criticized as her nose crinkled.

"I'm so happy you're here," I said as more tears fell down down my cheeks.

"Yeah, well your little boy toy isn't here, so why not?" She joked making me roll my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her again.

"Thanks for being here, Karissa," I sniffled into her shoulder. She rubbed her hand up and down on my back and breathed in deeply.

"I knew you'd break. I knew you would. You're like a freaking tree or something. You think you're so strong, but really the smallest things can eat you from the inside out. And, you don't even realize it until your so far gone that there's nothing left but a few little sticks. The same way you started out. Just a tiny little twig." And she was right.


Oh sweet Jesus. I'm sorry, but shit is just going on in my life right now. There's a boy that a like and I think he likes me but he's EXTREMELY shy. And then there's another boy who's a good friend of mine who likes me and I told one of his friends that if he asked, I'd go out with him. I just don't even know.

And now my friendship has turned into a fucking democracy or something and everything sucks. My friends want me to do some rude shit to someone and I just can't and I don't even know what to do.

You all are so amazing. So here's a shoutout to all of my amazing followers and readers who are going through a really shitty time and are trying to get their shit together in life.

I love you all and you all are helping me through a really hard time right now. I'm not one to chose sides but I feel like my friends are making me choose between them and other people and I feel really alone, but you all help me so much ! Ilyasm!❤️

Thanks for being so amazing and I am trying to update but as a teenager with loads of homework everynight, it kills. So sorry, but I swear I'm trying.

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