Chapter Seven: Get up.

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You better love me. I worked so friggin hard to figure out how to start this chapter. PLUS I UPDATED TODAY. YASS.



I jolted awake and ran out of the room to where the loud noise came from. I heard it again. And again. And again.

I ran down a flight of stairs and jumped off of the remaining three. I sprinted to the living room and my eyes widened at the scene.

A broken lamp. A hole in the wall. And the couch was flipped. To my own horror in the middle of the living room was Greyson and Riley.

Riley rubbed his eyes furiously as Greyson was yelling.

"This is all your fault! If you would have just left me the alone! Hell, if you were never born I wouldn't be in this mess!" He yelled and pushed Riley onto the floor. The three year old tumbled backward and smacked his head off of the hardwood.

I gasped and ran to get him, but two rough hands grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. Then a loud slap echoed through the room. I fell to the floor and felt tears brimming my eyes.

I quickly jumped up and roundhouse-kicked him on the side of the head. He stumbled back and hit the wall. He closed his eyes for a second, but when they opened they were pits of black.

He stalked forward and I attempted to land a kick in his chest, but he quickly grabbed my leg and twisted it. I felt it snap and instantly I collapsed into a heap on the floor. I tried to crawl my way over to Riley who still hadn't gotten up, but Greyson stepped on my right arm causing it to snap.

I screamed out in pain and felt hot tears trail down my cheeks. I snapped my head back to Greyson and he removed his foot from my arm then took a step back.

"Greyson! Why?" I cried out as I rolled over so that I was sitting on my butt. I cradled my arm and tried to ignore the stinging feeling in my leg.

"Get up," he growled out but I just continued to cry. "Alex, get up!" He shouted but then he froze and collapsed on the floor.

Behind him stood Riley. He was staring at the floor with something that looked somewhat like a dart in his hand.

"Riley? Oh my god! You're okay!" I yelled happily through the tears as I closed my eyes and continued to cry. I heard a deep chuckle and quickly opened my eyes. I snapped my attention toward Riley who's shoulders were moving up and down slightly. l stared at the little boy in front of me as the deep chuckle got louder. And it didn't sound happy. It sounded...evil. "Riley?"

Slowly his face came into view as he lifted his head up and I began to scream and push myself away with my good leg and arm.

Greyson. His smirk. His facial structure. His dark black eyes as his wolf took over. It was all plastered on Riley's face and then he spoke in a dark voice that was way to deep for a three year old.

"Get up, Alex."

"Ah!" I screamed as I jolted awake. I panted as I stared around the room. Greyson and Riley were the only two people in here. Greyson was leaning over the bed in front of me with a worried expression while Riley was sitting at a desk with a pen and paper in his hands. "It wasn't-it wasn't real?" I panted out.

I moved my arm and realized that it was asleep along with my leg. I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands.

"What time is it?" I asked as I stared at Greyson. His grey eyes had light purple bags under them, his hair was really messy, and he only had a pair of boxers on.

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