~First Day~

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'Beep, Beep Beep-' Sleepily hitting my alarm clock I groaned as reality hit me. ''Marinette it's time for school'' My kwamii Tikki flew around my face happily. Groaning yet again I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom to have a shower brush my teeth and get ready for school.



''Mom do I have to go to school'' I asked sitting at the island in the kitchen

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''Mom do I have to go to school'' I asked sitting at the island in the kitchen. ''Yes you do, you are nineteen years and you have been going to school for only a year so yes.'' My mom responded handing me a plate for breakfast. ''Thanks,'' She also set out a plate of cookies and a small teacup with hot cocoa in it.

''Thank you'' Tikki smiled at her. ''You need your strength to keep missy here out of trouble and talk some sense into her'' My mom joked as I rolled my eyes grinning. Quickly finishing up breakfast I got my school bag and got ready for my departure.

''Bye baby have a great day at school'' My mom kissed my cheek ''Thanks mom bye'' And with that, I was on my way with Tikki in my bag.


Opening my eyelids to feel a little body jumping on my cheek I groaned and shooed him off covering myself from head to toe. ''Hey kid I need my cheese and you have human school that starts in ten minutes-'' I flew up from my bed in panic as I hurried to the bathroom.

''The cheese is in the first drawer plagg help yourself'' I said before I closed the door and had a shower.


''No time for second breakfast let's go'' I grabbed a few croissants and left on my way to school

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''No time for second breakfast let's go'' I grabbed a few croissants and left on my way to school.


''New kid'' A boy came up to me as I walked in. ''I'm Nino'' He introduced himself. ''Adrien, so do you know where room 34 is'' I asked rubbing the back of my neck. ''Yeah, I am heading there now wanna tag along'' He asked fixing his headphones. ''Sure you can give me a tour too and introduce me''

''No need to you are Adrien Agreste I think everyone already knows you'' He hinted at the group of girls fangirling staring at me. ''Ok so there is Kim, rose, Juleka, Mylene and that guy are together, he is Max there is Nathaniel, Sabrina, and Chloe-''

''Adrikins'' Chloe screamed running to me before she placed a kiss on my cheek. ''Hey, Chlo'' I smiled. ''Hold on I need to fix my hair I'll be back'' Quickly skipping off. ''Hold on, you two are a thing'' Nino asked shocked. ''Yes, why'' I raised my eyebrows. ''Woah okay then, She over there is Alya and she is a beauty-''

''Yeah, she is'' He turned my face to where he was looking. ''Oh her you like her'' I asked smirking a bit. ''Yea a bit, so you find Marinette is pretty huh'' he smirked back as I was confused. ''the girl you was looking at just now, her name is Marinette'' we looked over at her.

''yeah she is I guess, what's her story'' He swung his arm around my neck and we walked up the stairs. ''she is nineteen fav color is pink uhm there isn't much to her she doesn't socialize with any of the kids here so good luck with her, anyways you are sitting next to me so Alya won't and drive me insane.

''nope ill sit behind you'' I smirked as Alya walked in and sat next to him. A slight blush appeared on his face as she started talking to him. I chuckled at them as everyone started filling the classroom seats. Looking into my bookbag at plagg hugging some cheese while he slept I rolled my eyes not realizing the girl next to me.

''Oh, hi I'm Adrien'' I smiled at her. She was shy and it made her look kinda cute. She didn't respond just gave me a small smile before she turned away scaredly. I shrugged it off as the teacher walked in. ''Good Morning students I am miss bustier and welcome back or Welcome to school, So first we can start with an Introduction Adrien come up here and tell the class about yourself'' she ordered with a smile.


Finishing up my homework I quickly changed and jogged down the stairs. ''Adrien how was school'' My father asked as he descended down the stairs. ''It was great I guess'' I responded fixing the hood of my jacket. ''And your girlfriend'' he raised a brow.

''Clingy as always but she Chloe now I have some stuff outside'' And with that, I walked outside. ''Darnit'' I heard a small voice outside.

'Hey, Marinette right'' I smiled as she jumped surprised. ''Sorry didn't mean to startle you'' I knelt down to her level. ''You don't talk much do you'' I added as she shook her head. ''I didn't talk to you in class because Chloe said not to'' Her voice was small and quiet like her. ''Why'' I asked curiously. ''She claims all the cute guys in school and tells everyone not to talk to them'' She shrugged ''So you find I'm cute'' I grinned. ''N-No that is not what I meant, I meant that she finds your cute''

''That hurts but okay'' She giggled and smiled ''What are you doing on the floor anyways'' I asked as she got up and showed me her hands. Revealing a small bird. ''Oh cute what are you gonna do with that keep it as a pet and then eat it'' I slanted my head jokingly. ''No silly, It was injured so I took it inside, and now that it's good I can put it back with its family'' The girl stretched placing the bird back in a small house with a nest and some other birds inside. ''There'' she whispered smiling.

''So you came all the way over here to put the bird back here'' I asked curiously. ''No, well yes, I live right here and I made this house because the birds were on the floor in my back yard so'' She sat back down on the pavement. ''Oh nice I live here so maybe we can hang out sometime and in school'' I smiled sitting next to her. ''Yea we can, here, but not in school I'm not really a social person and you are way too social for me so I rather not'' She frowned.

''Well I can help you be social'' I offered willingly. ''No thanks, I rather it like this'' ''But I'm sure you will like being a little bit'' she shook her head. ''Are you sure'' She nodded. ''Please let me make you social at least a bit, We can hang out together and go out and do all sorts of cool stuff and you won't be so lone wolf type of girl-''

''I said no, Adrien, I don't need changing why does everyone try to change me, this is who I am and if you don't like it I don't wanna be friends'' She quickly got up and bolted inside. ''You have serious girl issues'' Plagg said as I collapsed onto my bed. ''You should have just left her alone if she wanted to be changed she can do it herself'' He added making me groan in anger. ''Thanks sherlock, and I'll make it up to her tomorrow.'' 

Word count: 1300

I hope you liked it, I didn't write this chapter but I hope you liked it I literally just added the pictures chattypoo did the writing. Bye 😁