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I had mixed up the chapters and forgot to post this...

So I'm posting it now...

''I'm P-Pregnant''

She whispered through sobs. ''O dear Mari-'' ''D-Don't say anything Tikki I don't want to be pregnant n-not now at least Adrien and I j-just started dating a-and he doesn't want kids yet and I don't want them now either I-'' her holder broke down and cried into the pillow till she fell asleep.


''Is there any way to tell how long I have been pregnant for'' Marinette asked over the phone. ''Yeah there is actually almost three weeks-'' ''What, no no no no no'' She muttered over and over. ''Is something the matter Marinette'' The nurse asked. ''Yes everything, I need some time to process this bye'' hanging up the phone she stared at the ceiling while laying on her bed. ''What's wrong now'' Tikki asked flying to her.

''How do I tell my boyfriend that I am pregnant and it's not his child'' Marinette asked regretting having sex. ''Oh, so Chat is-'' Biting her lip she nodded and tried to hold in her tears but they just came down. Picking up her ringing phone she cleared her throat before answering. ''H-Hello...''

''Hey baby what's wrong you sound sad are you okay do you need something-'' Her worried boyfriend asked. ''No, No I'm fine I was eating something spicy and my nose was running and I miss you'' She tried to sound happy while talking to him. ''Aww I'm sorry I will be back soon okay don't miss me too much okay and how are you otherwise'' He asked before munching on some chips. ''I- I- uhm I have to go I will call back later okay I love you'' Before he could stop her she hung up and sobbed heavily.


''Princess'' Chat called before he entered meanwhile Marinette hid all the tests and walked out of the bathroom after washing her face. ''Hey kitty how are you'' the bluenette asked wiping her nose.

''I'm fine now that I have my Princess, are you okay you look different'' He said glancing at her necklace. ''Yeah I'm fine, I just miss my boyfriend so what do you want to do'' She asked sitting on her bed. ''I just came to check up on you so I will be back later tonight okay'' giving him a nod he lept out of the window.

She sighed and got up to the bathroom. Undressing she stood in front of the mirror and stared at the little barely visible bump she had. Turning away she then sat in her tub and thought about her Options, tell Adrien and risk losing him, tell Chat and break up with the love of her life if he accepts his kid, abort her kid and suffer losing her baby, she didn't know if Adrien or Chat even wanted children yet and she had no one to talk to, she didn't want to tell her aunt, Chat or Adrien so she planned to hide it for as long as she could till she figured out what to do.

Getting out in her robe the bluenette walked around her room to the balcony where she closed the door and drew the curtains. Feeling muscular arms wrapped around her she let out a small scream ''Hey it's just me Mari'' Adrien spoke up. ''D-Don't scare me like that I c-could hurt you'' she yelled back through sobs. ''Oh I'm sorry please forgive me, I didn't mean to'' he hugged her tightly as she let out some of her stress in those tears. ''Are you okay now'' The blonde whispered pulling away from the hug. ''Y-Yeah I'm fine''

She sat down on her bed and rubbed her arm she wanted to cry right then and there but held it in. ''Do you want to get changed and then we can go out or something'' Nodding in response Mari made her way to the closet and changed into oversized blue weather and tall knee height boots that were black. Doing her hair in a simple bun while two curls fell at the front Adrien and his girlfriend made their way to their favorite after-hours spot, the cafe bar.

''Can I taste yours'' he asked grinning widely passing him her small bowl with a waffle bowl and ice cream he took a spoon of hers and moaned into the taste, ''your's taste better than mine'' he whined pouting. ''can we swap'' he added batting his lashes. ''nope, I like mine, they should have sold ice-cream all the other times, this is really good'' Mari replied. ''yeah I know, now can we swap please pretty please''

''noooo I like mine'' she pouted also. ''babyyyyy I thought you loved me, Mari, baby, sweety pie, sugar plum uhm my queen, love of my life and forever babe, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-'' she stopped him by passing her the bowl. ''I could have just bought another one for you'' She rolled her eyes. ''No, I want this one you touched it, which means it is blessed so imma eat this and get blessed also'' The blonde grinned while she giggled at his humor.

''So let's just say you and Chloe were together and she was carrying a baby for someone else what would you-'' ''Break up, dump her ass, Everything that leads to us not being together, I don't want my girlfriend with another man's child, next thing the kid hates me as his step-father Nope I am not dealing with that so Yeah I will end it, why'' He asked slanting his head as she sat there heartbroken. ''I just wanted to know what kind of person is calling me love of their life'' She replied ''So how did I do because that was kinda harsh words I said'' He chuckled nervously. ''Uhm you are harsh and you would be a strict husband or father when you are older'' She giggled ''Yeah I thought the same thing once it's when I'm older I still am learning about this whole life thing and this is new to me I never had a girlfriend that I actually love and want to spend the rest of my life with so yeah when I'm older after we get married and stuff we can have little kiddies and cats maybe dogs it doesn't matter which animal they rather I guess once it doesn't eat them or harm them, at least they will have a momma with powers that's a plus but all in good time''

Continuing eating his ice cream it was clear to Mari that his life was planned out in his mind already and having a kid while he is nineteen was not part of it. ''Okay so what can you do exactly powers wise'' he asked as we strolled through the park. ''Honestly, I don't know, there isn't a manual to this sadly so I will figure it out as I grow I guess, so far, I could move light smaller things with my mind uhm I can go invisible sometimes, the fire thing that comes when I get angry or mad, I could fill a pool with my tears... Probably, uhm I am an energy ball sooo uhm electricity also is part of me, I think I am supposed to be able to teleport but I'm not quite sure how to yet''

''oh can we try now there is no one here'' Adrien beamed looking around. ''uhm yeah sure'' Looking around she saw a tree which she set as her target. Closing her eyes the bluenette tried to focus but instead teleported in the opposite direction. Her eyes widen seeing the oncoming vehicle but was soon swooped away. Setting her next to a bench the boy chuckled.

 ''Luka, what are you doing here'' Mari jumped hugging the boy around his neck. ''What are you doing here'' she asked surprised ''saving your ass, again apparently'' he chuckled while Adrien cleared his throat. ''A lucky guy congrats blueberry'' he ruffled her hair. ''thanks Luka this is Adrien, Adrien Luka he is like my brother, we go wayyy back and he is like me as you saw, and thanks for the save, again''

''No probs blueberry'' He smiled. ''Okay so why are you here other than saving me from killing myself and ...'' she trailed off thinking of her baby. ''Nothing I'm just passing through your mom said you were here so why not and I'm glad I did or else Miss Blueberry/Queen would be dead and I can't tell your mom that now can I'' He chuckled. ''True okay, so where are you going now'' Mari asked smiling. ''I'm going to see how fast I can run back to China so see yah and text me'' He ran off. ''Well he is fast'' Adrien responded and she nodded. ''What you wanna do now'' He asked before she leaned on him. ''I'm tired'' she muttered sleepily. ''Well let's get you to bed''