-New beginnings-

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After their trip...

''So Marinette, would you like to be my girlfriend now'' I asked as we proceeded into school. ''What, aren't you with-'' She looked over at Chloe wailing bitterly. ''What did you do'' The short girl glared at me. ''I just told her the truth, I never liked her as a girlfriend, she will never be good enough for me, she is a stock-up bitch and I liked someone else'' I shot her a smirk while a soft blush appeared on her face.

''Oh Okay so uhm Yeah I would love to'' I spun her around before picking her up over my shoulders. ''Put me down'' she yelled screaming loudly. ''Hey shhh or else people are going to suspect I am kidnapping you'' she rolled her eyes as he walked into the classroom and put her down.

Sometime later...

''So Miss soon to be Agreste how are you'' The blonde smirked. ''Fine, now, pay attention, or else I will hit you'' The bluenette shot back. ''You wouldn't hurt a fly-'' Placing her palm on his leg the bluenette zapped his leg and he winced out in pain. ''I would never hurt a fly but you aren't a fly so I can hurt you'' shooting him a smirk he rolled his eyes before the teacher asked him to solve a question.

''Uhm A and A is also for Marinette A-greste'' He whispered smirking ''It's good to Chase dreams it shows you believe'' She joked making him pout. ''Whatever I would Chase you to the ends of the earth even if we split up I would always be there for you'' She smiled at him and he rested his hand on her lap.

''Adrien, No touching save that for when you are older and married'' The class gave a slight chuckle. ''Oh even her knows we are soulmates and I definitely will have you all to my blonde self'' He whispered holding hands under the desk. She felt loved and it was a new feeling. But a part of her still liked Chat and wanted him to touch her (nothing dirty👀) and whisper sweet stuff in her ears.


''So wanna work on homework together at my house'' Mari asked as they stood in front of his house. ''Is your mom home'' he asked smiling. ''Yeah, why'' He pulled her to the house seeing a car in the driveway. ''Well someone else is there, still want me to come'' He asked stopping at the door.

''Yup, she has to meet my boyfriend anyway so I don't see why not, I will just introduce you to whoever it is'' Opening the door they stepped in and she pulled him to the kitchen. ''Hey Mom and- you have got to be kidding me''