- Couple's fun -

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''Oh wife'' Adrien grinned. ''Babe it's been a week, why are you still calling me wife'' She asked sitting crossed-legged on her bed. ''I love the fact that you are my wife so, Wife, what shall we do today'' he asked. ''Sex, I want sex'' she groaned. 

''I don't know if the was sarcasm or if you really want that'' he responded. She glared at him and threw a pillow in his direction. ''You are the worst'' she pouted. ''I'm kidding my wife, where should we do it'' he responded with a smirk. 

''Oooh, in the hot tub'' she smirked back. ''Well... what are you waiting for let's go-'' ''Mommy'' Ariel barged in. ''Omg, yes love, you frightened me'' she shot up. ''Sorry, but, can we go for a sleepover, please at May's house'' Ariel begged. 

''I'll call her parents okay'' Mari responded. ''Yes! Thanks, mom. Luna-'' she yelled running out of the room.

''You can sure count on our girls to ruin the fun'' Adrien chuckled. ''Tell me about it. Come on daddy'' she said jumping unto him and latching her hands around his neck. ''I love you'' she giggled as he held her tightly. He proceeded down to her neck before Luna barged in. 

''Daddy-'' ''You have got to be kidding me, I need time with my wife, you snowball, get back here'' He said putting his wife down and chasing after his daughter. Marinette giggled at them chasing each other before she picked up her phone to call concerning the sleepover.

''I can go drop them'' Adrien offered a few minutes later. ''Thank you'' Marinette replied getting in bed and covering herself from head to toe. ''Hey! My kiss'' Adrien shouted. ''Come and get it'' she shot back he rolled his eyes and crawled to her on the bed. 

''Bye baby'' she whispered seductively kissing him repeatedly on his lips. ''Bye... wife'' he chuckled getting a moan out of her as he bit her lip. ''I want you so bad-'' he was cut off by both his girls yelling for him to get downstairs. ''I swear- Coming!'' he quickly kissed her lips before rushing down the stairs.

Marinette waited by the window making sure they left before she hurried to the bathroom to get ready...

''Woah, What's going on'' Adrien asked as he gazed at his wife's outfit

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''Woah, What's going on'' Adrien asked as he gazed at his wife's outfit. ''The kids are gone so, can we try this again'' She asked getting into the water of their jacuzzi. ''Are you coming or not'' She asked. Her husband quickly took off his clothes and threw them on the sofa leaving him in his tight boxers.

Marinette giggled as he splashed her when he got in. He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist before they shared a deep passionate kiss that screamed 'lust'

Soon they were both naked and she was slowly sliding down his dick. ''Ahhh~ That's so t-thick, it hurts'' she screamed out in both pain and pleasure. ''It will feel good in a minute you just have to get used to it'' he snickered playing with her boobs in his hand. 

''Is it better'' he questioned. ''Uh-huh. You can start'' she said wrapping her arms around his neck. ''S-Shit you're so tight'' he groaned out slowly thrusting into her. ''G-Go faster'' she ordered as the thrill was rushing to her head. He sped up and had her moaning with every thrust.

''Fuck me harder~'' She cried out as her breasts were bouncing out of control. With a quick flip, he pulled out, flipped his wife around, and banged his dick into her ass. ''Ahhh~ Daddy~'' Marinette moaned sending shivers down his spine only making him speed up the process. 

Her nipples were rubbing against the ledge of the pool, her cheek smashed unto the cold surface. ''I'm cumming'' Marinette screamed. His head hung back as he too gave in and finished...

''I missed your big cock'' Marinette whispered turning to him. ''There is a lot more this big cock can do'' he said with a large smirk. ''Oh~'' She replied biting her lips as she sat on the ledge of the pool.

Her husband pushed her back and jumped out of the water. He laid her on her back and demanded that she held up her legs far away from each other. ''You are still as beautiful as back then, maybe even more'' he smiled as a light pink blush covered her flustered cheeks.

''Ahh~'' The woman cried out in sure pleasure as he roughly entered her...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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