-Summer Vaca Pt.1-

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Another day of school had come and Marinette was already picking out her clothes for today which was simple...

Another day of school had come and Marinette was already picking out her clothes for today which was simple

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''Hey, momma I am going to school early to study for a test in the library so bye'' She grabbed a muffin and ran out of the house to school. ''Oh Adrien is coming to talk to you'' Tikki announced hiding in her bag she groaned and continued to write.

''Hey, can we talk'' He asked hopefully. ''Well we are in a library so no I don't think so'' She said fixing her glasses on her nose. ''I can whisper'' he whispered she rolled her eyes and sighed. 

''Fine, sit down'' She moved her bag to make way for him. ''Listen Mari I am sorry for what I said to you I am sorry please forgive me so I can be your friend again please''

She taught for a while before ''Fine I am giving you the rest of the week so you have until Sunday to make it up to me and this doesn't mean we are friends again'' She shot back. 

''Okay thank you and I am tired of whispering so I will see you in class'' he got up and left while she rolled her eyes at his impatinetness.

''Hey, girl how's it going'' Alya walked up to her as she came out of the library. ''Nothing new I just told Adrien he has a week to make it up to me'' She smiled ''Good for you'' Alya clapped. 

''So since we are friends again shorty wanna go out later'' Adrien poked his head between them. ''First of all, we aren't friends second I am not short and third no we can't because you have a girlfriend who hates my guts and is still sending me death glares so no'' She walked off and pulled Alya behind her.

''Okay class settle down and I will pass your test papers, you all know the rules. No copying etc.'' And the students all started their quiz/test.


''Quiet down students you can all share your marks after class. Everyone who has passed their exams will be allowed to go on our class field trip to a summer vacation with the signature of your parent/s of course here are the forms anyone interested can take one on their way out'' The bell rang signaling the children to rush up and get the forms before exiting the classroom.

''So you ladies joining me on our trip'' Nino said as his hands wrapped around them. ''What I forgot'' Mari yelled frantically. ''Wow, I didn't know'' Alya said sarcastically. ''Haha very funny'' she chuckled sarcastically. ''Wow Nino you really have it going, two hot chicks, nailed it'' Adrien smirked before Nino pulled away and did their handshake thing. ''Thanks want one'' He smirked back. ''You can have Mari'' Nino chuckled. ''No way in hell am I going to be knocked up by this... Whatever he is and besides he already has his slutful girlfriend'' she rolled her eyes while Nino and Alya 'oooed'

''Ouch Mari that hurts'' Adrien held his hand to his heart. ''Yeah, whatever now what are you doing here'' She glared at him crossing her arms. ''So no one told miss bossy/person that hates my guts right now/ short cutie that I was invited'' He crossed his arms. ''Don't call me cute'' She yelled stomping. ''Damn that was adorable'' He cooed. ''You are such an asshole'' she yelled. ''Before Mari's head blows off let's go please'' Alya walked off pulling Mari behind her. ''Hey boys change of plan we are going to Mari's house so see yah'' They ran off to her house.

''Hey mom this is Alya we go to school together and I need a favor please'' Mari smiled widely. ''Hi nice to meet you and what is your favor'' She handed her the form. ''Oh nice sure, I will give it back to you before school okay'' Marinette kissed her cheek and ran upstairs pulling Alya behind her. ''Damn this is huge'' Alya said sitting on her bed. ''Thanks, I guess wanna help me pack the closet is over there''

''How about this'' 

 ''Woah, that is hawt'' Alya grinned before her door opened

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 ''Woah, that is hawt'' Alya grinned before her door opened. ''Hey Mari, woah that is sexy damn'' Adrien sent her a kiss as she blushed a bit. ''What are you doing here'' Alya asked confused. ''Well Mari's nice mom let us in and gave us some heavenly croissants'' Nino piped up munching on them.

''Okay so Mari you can stop blushing now'' Alya smirked. ''Ohh is miss bossy in love with me secretly'' Adrien smirked walking closer to her. ''N-No'' She mumbled as her back hit the wall. ''well shit'' he chuckled at her cuteness ''I like this outfit on you it looks sexy'' He grinned closing the space between them.

''Okay mister with the girlfriend stop hitting on her geez acting like some damn playboy'' Nino threw a croissant on him ''hey my hoodie'' He pouted. ''The bathroom is in there'' She pointed at the door. ''Hey Mari, quick question... Why the frick is your bathroom almost the same size of your room, what do you do in there... have sex, gang bangs, damn'' Adrien sat in her egg chair mumbling.

''No, I don't now shut up'' She yelled back frustratedly. ''Good you are all set now just remember to pack a pregnancy test just in case'' Alya joked. ''wow, very funny'' she rolled her eyes. ''I wish she wasn't we know people like Mr. over here is going to get it going'' Nino laughed ''Maybe, maybe not, that is my personal life so mind your own'' Adrien shot back. ''Sorry sir'' Nino laughed. ''You three need to disappear I want to get ready for bed it's late and I'm sure Mr. model has to get his diapers changed'' She smirked. ''Funny, real funny'' He pouted before getting up.

''I need to go before Mari turns me on completely and makes me cheat on my gf'' He winked at her before pulling Nino out behind him ''Laterz Mari'' Alya said before they all left taking a few croissants with them. After they left she laid on her bed just playing with her magic ball. ''Hey princess you look bored'' Chat jumped in. ''Oh Hey Chat'' She sat up. ''Hey again so watcha doing'' He sat on her egg chair........