chapter 1: A rude awakening

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machine:" insufficient power .deactivating cryosleep protocol"

Jett(waking up):" what? where am I? When am I?(looks around) Dr Kiernan"?!?!?!?!

( behind him a message plays from the pod, showing a woman in a lab coat)

message:" to lieutenant Jett Merrick codename Revenant, you have been ordered to stand down, I repeat, you have been ordered to stand down, we have lost the war"

Jett:" shit! what do I do now?(hyperventilating)"

message(in a motherly tone):" you are probably wondering what to do now. Jett, from me who saw you as my son, I'm telling you, go. leave the base, live your life, that's an order"

Jett(walking to the rusted lockers as the recording ends):" yes mam. ( grabs bag off the wall labeled Lt Jett Oliver Marek and puts on his energy suppression gloves to keep the energy that concentrates in his hands at bay). now how do I get out?"

( he sees an opening in the ceiling from recent construction which he climbs out of and sees a group of furs seemingly on a tour of the dam so he pulls his hood over his face and casually joins the group, he then gets to the door where a guard is checking peoples ID's after the person in front of him finishes Jett realizes he doesn't have an ID)

Guard 1(an anthro alligator):" ID please"

Jett: "sorry I must have dropped it somewhere back there"

guard 2(an anthro wolf):"sir, you're going to have to come with me( grabs Jett's shoulder)

(Jett grabs the guards hand and flips the unsuspecting furry over his shoulder causing the second guard to rush him but Jett moves out of the way and rushes out of the door and hears the guards yelling for backup. He looks down realizing he's on the bottom of the dam luckily the flood gates weren't open. he then runs as the guards follow closely behind him, a few seconds later the guards have him cornered near the edge of the dam and Jett right on the ledge)

Guard 1:" come on down. kid your going to get hurt"

( before he can think Jett loses his footing and falls backwards off the dam hitting his head on the way down splashing into the water below)

guard 2:" oh shit"

guard 1:" looks like we're losing our jobs"

( a few days later several miles down river. Jett wakes up alive and well floating near the bank, he stands up looking around at his surroundings, he finds his bag a couple yards away from him in the water, "good thing its waterproof" he thought. he proceeded to walk out of the brush and onto the road)

[flashback to before he was frozen]

Jett is strapped down to a medical table where a doctor is about to execute him via lethal injection

executioner:" Jett Oliver Merrick. you have been charged with treason against the United States of America. any last words"?

Jett(laughing):" screw you"

(the executioner then picks up the syringe and is about to kill him but is interrupted by the bases alarms going off, followed by gun shots. as the executioner walks out into the hallway he is shot by a furry soldier, who walks into the room but doesn't kill Jett but instead unstraps him from the table, but before Jett can thank the soldier, the poor furry is shot by a group of soldiers who start to walk towards Jett with their guns raised. Jett then runs at them and slides between the legs of one of them and runs out the door and is grabbed and jabbed with a syringe by Dr. Kiernan who puts him in the cryopod)

[end of flashback]

(it was so hot, Jett started to get a headache from being out in the sun and didn't notice the van driving straight at him until it was too late. bam!!!!! the car hit him causing Jett to fly into the air and land in a ditch on the side of the road and blacks out. a day or so later he wakes up again but in the van. laying down with his head on someone's lap)

Jett(wakes up suddenly):" what the hell?!?!? where am I"?!?!?!

Revenant: soldier of the past [human in a furry world] book 1Where stories live. Discover now