chapter 20: the sacrifice

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when we last left off Jayna had just given birth to her and Jett's son William. they were in the park when Jett was attacked by his old foe Commander Howard Brisk. we currently see our hero in a standoff as Commander Brisk has his gun trained onto Jayna and Will

Jett pov

I can't believe it. Commander brisk. he has his revolver aimed right at Jayna's head. 

I don't want her or my son to get hurt so I throw up my hands

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I don't want her or my son to get hurt so I throw up my hands

me:" woah man put down the gun. she has nothing to do with this. I'll go with you. Just let her and my son go"

Commander Brisk(holstering his gun):" alright. put these on and follow me"(hands me hand cuffs)

Me(putting cuffs on):" so you'll let them go"?

Commander Brisk:" yes. come on lets go. I'm a man of my word, no harm will come to either of them"

me and him walk away as Jayna puts Will in his stroller and gets out of there, me and Commander Brisk arrive at a black SUV 

me and him walk away as Jayna puts Will in his stroller and gets out of there, me and Commander Brisk arrive at a black SUV 

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one of the super soldiers from Project Chimera codenamed Apollo puts a bag over my head 

one of the super soldiers from Project Chimera codenamed Apollo puts a bag over my head 

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and seats me in the vehicle as it takes off to an unknown location

Jayna pov

I ran back to Jett's house with Will as the others saw me and came out to see what was wrong

Bridgette:" Jayna. you ok"?

me(hyperventilating):" no. they took Jett"

Jett's mom:" who took him"

me:" some military looking guy. a human"

Manticore(up on the roof):" his name is Commander Howard Brisk. he was me and Jett's commander during the war"

me(looking up at him):" what are you doing here? you were the one who got us into this situation in the first place"

Manticore(jumping down):" yes. I know, I came here to tell you that me and Jett have been planning since new years eve for a situation like this. I'm going to go to base and help him escape"

me:" and why should we believe you"

Manticore( taking off his helmet to reveal his face as the lights on his armor change colors to blue):" because that's what friends do. I've managed to override Brisk's control over me. don't worry I won't return until I have Jett out of there"

me:" ok then. go"

Manticore ran off to an SUV and got in. as he drove off I couldn't help but believe him. I hope Jett's ok

Jett pov

Apollo was pressing a burning hot knife onto my leg as I screamed out in pain as it seared my flesh. they were torturing me to get the information on how the furries managed to invade Hoover dam. I told them the truth. they then threw me into a small room and I sat there for I don't know how long as a group of scientist were watching me and taking notes as I began to heal. a few seconds later I heard the Scientist scream as I saw blood get splattered on the windows then saw a hand wipe some of it off to reveal Manticore without his mask giving me a thumbs up {Manticore will now be called Richard}

me:" get me out of here"

Richard:" ok. ok. give me a second to find the button"

he disappears and I hear a buzzer a few seconds later as the door opens and Richard walks in and helps me up as we walk out of the room to a hanger bay. we are in the center as a massive group of soldiers armed with assault rifles run out led by Apollo and Commander Brisk

Apollo(pulling back the string on his bow with an arrow at the ready):" where do you 2 think your going"

me:" I'm going to go see my son, you assholes. now get out of our way or you will die trying to stop us"

Richard hands me a pistol. Apollo fires his arrow but I catch it and throw it to the side. me and Richard Run for cover as the rest of the soldiers open fire

me(firing and killing 4 soldiers then reload):" even if we manage to escape somebodies still bound to be able to follow us out of here"

Richard:" don't worry I've got a guy helping us. he's going to get the nuclear reactor to malfunction to blow this place to hell"

me:" good plan. my healing factor will protect me and your armor will keep you safe. but we still need to take care of Apollo and Brisk before we leave"

Richard:" agreed. I'll take Apollo and you take Brisk"

me(tossing a grenade over the crates killing a bunch of soldiers):" ever the lazy one aren't you even with that armor. fine you take the weaker one, I'll handle the old man"

we rush out from our cover taking the enemy by surprise as we run through the soldiers using our strength and skill too kill them with ease, we then rush Brisk and Apollo. Richard fires on Apollo while I tackle Brisk off a ledge to the lower levels

Richard pov

I watch as my friend and Brisk deeper into the base below us as I continue to duck and shoot at Apollo as he fires another arrow that jams into the barrel of my pistol. I then throw it aside as I unsheathe my sword and get ready to fight him. he then jumps down from the high ground as he rushes me and I slash at him but he manages to block my sword with his bow as we go back and forth exchanging blows he manages to knock me away and fires an arrow that punctures my armors knee joint as he kicks me to the ground grabbing an arrow as he holds it over my head getting ready to kill me but as he brings it down I grab his knife and stab him in the throat killing him. I get up and pull the arrow out of my knee then go and pick up my sword as I see Jett get thrown back up to the hanger. he slams into the ground bloody as brisk jumps up ready to finish him

Revenant: soldier of the past [human in a furry world] book 1Where stories live. Discover now