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Beck groaned when the morning sun shone through the window, hitting her eyelids

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Beck groaned when the morning sun shone through the window, hitting her eyelids. Squeezing them shut didn't help block it out, but turning her face back into the pillow did. First moments after waking up were always peaceful. They were the few moments where Beck could be completely relaxed, not a single thought running through her head while her mind tried to figure out what was going on. Those moments only ever lasted a minute, tops.

"What time is it...?" she grumbled, rolling over under the covers. She pulled them closer to her chest as she squinted her eyes, just barely opening them. The night stand next to her bed held a lamp and an alarm clock, but for some reason, nothing showed on the clock. Confusion hit the groggy teen. Didn't she plug the clock in yesterday? She remembered setting the clock, and needing to fix the time using one of the watches she'd borrowed from her father. With that thought, she sighed and sat up, rubbing her eyes. The watch was in the drawer of the nightstand, if her memory served correctly. After slipping her glasses on, she pulled the leather band from the drawer, blinking once or twice before her eyes focused on the hands. 


Adrenaline suddenly shot through Beck's entire body as she threw the blanket off of her legs. A guilty feeling resonated in her stomach, accompanied by goosebumps raising up her barren legs - she'd overslept. Mumbles fell from her mouth as she raced around her room, searching for a clean pair of leggings, socks... there was no time to change her shirt, she had a mop of tangled hair on her head to deal with.

How did this even happen? Rebecca could barely remember the last time she overslept. Usually, her dad would wake her up if she wasn't in for breakfast by seven. Even then, her mom would wake her up before going to work if Bob left early for work. That was the whole point of the alarm clock, though. She huffed as she tore the brush through her hair, probably ripping knots out as she went. The bottoms of her socks slid across the hallway's wooden flooring, pulling to a stop in front of her bedroom doorway. Where are my sneakers?

Raking her hair out of her face as she scanned the bedroom, her eyes widened when they hit the sneakers. They were next to the alarm clock's unplugged cord. It probably got caught on her ankle when she fell in through the window - there wasn't any time to be embarrassed though. Beck had never been late enough to school for a detention, and she wasn't gonna start now. 

The rotary dial clicked through it's spin each time Beck picked a number. It felt painfully slow compared to the thumping in her heart. She pressed the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she sat on the ground, tugging on her shoes. The watch on the ground next to her read fifteen minutes later than it had when Beck had woken up. As she started to yank on the laces, tightening them as tight as possible, she muttered, "C'mon, Nance..."

"Hello?" a woman's voice answered the phone. A sigh of relief left Rebecca. They hadn't left the house yet. A small smile fell on her face as she replied, "Hi, Mrs. Wheeler. Sorry to bother you so early..." 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑Where stories live. Discover now