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It proved to be difficult for Rebecca to try and move her focus off of the fact that she had been involved in a street fight, considering the fact that Jonathan had kept looking over at her every few minutes with a darkening bruise on the side of ...

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It proved to be difficult for Rebecca to try and move her focus off of the fact that she had been involved in a street fight, considering the fact that Jonathan had kept looking over at her every few minutes with a darkening bruise on the side of his head. What was worse, any time that he wasn't staring at her from across the office, Nancy would look over while holding the towel of ice against his head. Beck's mood fell when she realized Nancy had probably told Jonathan what she'd said. If not word for word, then enough understanding of the conversation that he'd have reason to be glaring. 

By the next time Jonathan's gaze fixed on Beck, their eyes met and the pair realized they'd been caught in their stares. Jonathan huffed, quickly glancing between Nancy and Beck, before waving the second over to join them. A pit of nerves began to grow in Beck's stomach as she stood, carefully crossing the office. She silently and swiftly sat herself in a chair next to Jonathan, looking at floor in front of her instead of at the other two. Embarrassment was still forcing heat on the back of the girl's neck. 

"...Does it, uh... does it still hurt?" Beck finally asked, gently and hesitantly pointing at the black and blue marks on Jonathan's face. Jonathan sighed before lightly shaking his head. Beck nodded, and slowly added, "That's... that's good." 

Jonathan gulped. He looked like he was about to say something to her, but before the chance was even given the front door of the station swung open and clattered shut. All three of the teens shifted their gaze to the entrance of the office, and watched as the swinging door was pushed out of the way. Joyce Byers was hustling in, the chief of police not far behind her. She had a concerned look as she called, "Hey! Jonathan? Jesus, what happened?!"

"Ma'am?" Officer Callahan began, standing from the seat behind Rebecca and approaching the group. Jonathan could barely look his mother in the eye, and decided he'd take the towel from Nancy. He replied, "I'm fine."

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?!" Mrs. Byers aggravatedly asked the Officer.

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why." "Take them off." "I am afraid I cannot do that." "Take them off!"

"You heard her, take 'em off." the chief calmly said. He looked exhausted, like he'd been dealing with this all day. Hearing the racket from across the office, Officer Powell joined in on the conversation, as he'd been the one who Beck observed to often diffuse the tension. Powell sighed, adding, "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see."

Rebecca looked over to the side at Nancy as the chief followed his officers outside, hoping maybe she'd know what they were talking about. She had the same level of cluelessness. On the other hand, Jonathan looked like he was about to be in the biggest trouble of his life - not that Beck could blame him, considering the way Mrs. Byers was glaring down at the three of them.  Her eyes held icy daggers, meant to keep their targets in place just by the look of them. Beck slouched in her seat, hoping Joyce wouldn't call her dad and tell him she was sitting in a police station for association of police officer assault. He'd flip.

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