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"Damn. You guys really didn't hold back." Rebecca mumbled, staring down into the trunk of Jonathan's car. Bear traps, gun ammunition, nails, gasoline, hammers, a fire extinguisher... all just waiting to be used. Everything had been piled into a giant cardboard box, besides a few larger items that had rolled around beside it. Now that she could see what exactly they'd picked out, she understood what the clattering noise had been every time the car made a turn. It wasn't like she'd been expecting something else - this was a faceless monster that'd killed at least two people already - but the box looked intimidating now that the three of them loomed over it, mere steps away from the house where they wanted to host their experiment.

A small hum came from Jonathan while he pocketed the vehicle's keys. Nancy didn't waste any time reaching into the trunk of the car, pulling the gasoline tank and fire extinguisher from the trunk. Jonathan picked up the box, the metal inside clattering again as he adjusted his grip. All that was left to grab was the wooden softball bat. It didn't look like it could do much damage on it's own. With Beck holding it, though, maybe she could get some of that pent-up rage out. She reached in and snatched it, tossing it to her other hand. The trunk slammed shut beneath the force of Beck's now free hand, leaving her able to follow the other two into the house.

The porch steps creaked under her converse, as did the hinges on the front door of the house, in turn smacking shut behind the trio. Jonathan dropped the box on the ground next to where Nancy had placed the extinguisher and gasoline. Beck tossed the wooden bat into the pile. It clapped against the ground. Looking up at the three of them, she asked, "What's first?"

"...The lights." Jonathan mumbled. Both girls nodded, and the three of them reached for handfuls of tear-dropped, colored bulbs, all of which had been strewn and tossed across the ground in a hurry. Counting them as they went probably could have resulted in at least a hundred. Blue, green, red, yellow... if the room didn't look like the circus had come to town when they were finished, it'd probably still look something like a carnival fun house. A torture fun house from the Joker's nightmares, more like. Light after light was twisted into place, and by the time each one was in place, Beck's arms had become sore.

"Don't run so fast, Beck!" Bob called after his daughter, watching her run through the carnival's lights. Rebecca was having the time of her life - as much as that could mean for a ten-year-old, anyway. She giggled as she raced around in her superhero costume, the one she'd worn for Halloween the previous year, chasing after another child her age. Bob sighed from afar, watching her play pretend with the others her age.

Carnivals had been something Bob and Sandra always promised Beck she could go to, and this one was no exception. Sandra waved her hand a bit, telling her husband, "Oh, relax. Let her have fun. I spent good money on that costume."

"I though you said Karen made it for her." Bob questioned, raising an eyebrow at the blonde woman beside her. She rolled her eyes, answering, "She did. I paid her for the materials, though. That flexible fabric wasn't cheap, Bob."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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