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"Jonathan, Jonathan!" Nancy screamed

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"Jonathan, Jonathan!" Nancy screamed. Her voice echoed through the endless trees as the two teens ran through them, trying to find their friend. Rebecca's trachea muscles tightened as if she might start to cry, but she gulped in order to push the feeling away - there was no time for that now. Terror filled both girls to their cores as Nancy continued to scream out the name of their invisible partner, but the fear became even more evident when a set of heavy tracks sounded like it was getting closer. A cry of terror flew out of Beck, her grip on Nancy's hand tightening past comfort. Instincts forced her to run, and with the immense squeeze holding Nancy's hand, the other followed. "Jonathan, I'm right here!"

With her pulse beating hard enough she could feel it in her ears, Beck sprinted as fast as her legs would carry her. There was no visible sign of Jonathan anywhere, and it felt like the two girls were just running in circles in hopes to avoid the monster behind them. The two kept going, though, instinctual fear to live stronger than their will to search for a way out. Nancy took the lead of where to run after Beck faltered, tripping over herself and the cushy dirt below them. She was running out of breath, and panic was setting in, until they finally heard him.

"Nancy! Nancy, I'm right here!" Jonathan's voice echoed, yet it sounded muffled and distorted, like he wasn't in the forest. It sounded like he was under them, if at all possible. Beck gulped, tugging on Nancy's arm, hoping she'd heard him, too. "Rebecca! Where are you?!"

"Where are you?! Jonathan!" Beck screamed, Nancy screaming his name as well behind her shouts. A heavy crunch was heard several yards behind them, prompting Nancy to squeeze Beck's hand again and take off. Beck tore after her, anxiety driven through the roof, much too high to even consider glancing over her shoulder. 

Jonathan's voice echoed through the trees again, only barely loud enough to focus on over the rumble beneath the girl's feet, the vibration of the monster coming after them. He shouted, "I'm right... I'm right here! Beck, I'm right here!" The two stopped in their tracks again, trying to decipher where the sound was coming from. They were running out of time - it was getting closer. Frantically looking around wasn't helping much, but Beck didn't know what else she could do to try and find Jonathan, try to find a way out. Both girls panting in place, running out of breath, they listened for Jonathan again. "Just - just follow my voice! Nancy!"

"Jonathan!" Nancy screamed as she started running, voice breaking as she pulled Beck's hand along behind her.  Jonathan's voice appeared again from seemingly nowhere, frantically screaming just as hard as they were, "Follow my voice, Nancy, I'm right here! Rebecca!" Nancy's pace slowed as she tried to listen, while Beck looked around.

Beck's gasp was loud enough in the silence that she may have well screamed - a few paces away was the monster, covered in the shadows of the trees. It's gangly limbs swung around at odd angles while growling under it's breath. Nancy glanced over and her eyes widened, and before the monster could move a muscle, the girls bolted. Jonathan's calls could be heard in the background, sounding closer and closer as the girls ran for their lives. 

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