Day six

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You stood still as Katsuki measured you for a gown for the ball, which is tomorrow.

"Jesus, your tits are huge," he said.

"Shut the hell up!" You exclaimed, a dark blush spread across your chubby cheeks. He laughed.

While he was in the middle of measuring you, a woman slammed the door open. She had white hair, with a few red strands throughout her head.

"Fuyumi?" Katsuki muttered.

"Are you ____?"

You nodded. "Yea-" before you could say anything else, Fuyumi threw herself on you, hugging you tightly. "Thank you," she muttered. You slowly hugged her back.


"You saved him."

"What's she talking about?"

"Last night, I tried to heal the king," you muttered. "Wait saved him like he's at peace, or saved him like he's getting better?"

Fuyumi pulled away and smiled. "When I went into his room this morning, he was awake and sitting up. He said he wanted a big breakfast because he was starving. The color is coming back to his skin, he looks so much better," she rambled happily. "Thank you!"

"It was the least I could do."

Fuyumi shook her head. "Shoto's told me all about you. You're nothing like anyone I've met before. Most women are stuck up, and they only come here, so they can be queen. Greed and status are their drives. But you," she paused. "I don't sense any malice intent."

You just chuckled, not entirely sure how to respond to that.

"Okay, okay. Get out so we can finish," Katsuki said.

Fuyumi chuckled. "It's a shame some of her kindness didn't rub off on you."


She laughed before she left the room. There was a moment of silence. "So, you healed the old man?"

"I guess so," you muttered.

"Damn, that magic of yours is powerful."

You and Shoto walked through the garden together. "It's so beautiful," you muttered.

"I'm glad you like it. I picked the flowers, along with my mother and sister. My mother's favorite flower is the Rindou," he said while gesturing over to it. "What's yours?"

"I think Irises are beautiful, but I also love Roses and Sunflowers. They're rare in the village, but Irises grow in the park."

"Hm, I guess I'll have the gardener plant some unless you want to come out here and plant them with me."

"Why would we do that, if I might be leaving tomorrow?"

Shoto chuckled. "You're pretty oblivious, and forgetful, for someone so smart."

You stared at him in confusion for a moment before you gasped. "We met in the village?!"

He chuckled again. "We did. In a bakery. I snuck away from the castle to see my mother, and I wanted to get her a cake. You walked in a bit after I did, and bought goods to give away."

"Oh," you muttered. "That was you? Explains why you looked so familiar."

"Yep. I was waiting to see if you would notice, but you didn't. I guess my disguise was that good," he said proudly.

"No, your wig wasn't on right and your red hair was sticking out. I knew it was a wig, but I didn't wanna press for answers, but that was over a year ago. How did you remember me?"

He shrugged. "I couldn't stop thinking about you after that. Why were you so kind? Plus, you're beautiful. When Izuku told me that he met you, I just knew you had to come here so I could know you better."

"That's... wow," you muttered. "I didn't really want to come here, honestly, but I'm glad I did."

Shoto peeked around a corner before he stopped you from walking. "Close your eyes," he said.

"Uhm, alright," you said before you closed your eyes. Shoto gently took your hands and led you around the corner. After walking a few feet, you were stopped

"You can sit here," he said. "On the ground."

You slowly kneeled down onto the ground before you sat on your knees. "Can I open my eyes now?"


You slowly opened your eyes and gasped softly. There was a beautiful picnic laid out on a royal blue blanket. There's was an abundance of fruits inside a basket. Around it was slices of lemon cake with lemon icing, a few sandwiches, and a bottle of (random drink).

"Wow," you muttered. "This is beautiful."

Shoto smiled. "I'm glad you liked it. I set it up myself."

You gasped. "My king, you actually did something yourself?!" You exclaimed before you erupted into a fit of giggles.

Shoto rolled his eyes. "Very funny."

"Thank you," you said after you sat on the blanket. "So, what happens after you pick your queen?"

"I'll propose to her at the ball, then me and her will go from there."

"In front of all the other girls? Wouldn't that cause problems?"

"Probably, but a good Queen wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect her."

"That is true," You said.

Shoto moved over next to you and smiled, but before he could speak, someone else did.

"There you are, Shoto!" You looked up, and it was the same woman from before.

"Someone told me they saw you out here. Oh! Is this a picnic?"

He sighed. "Yes. I'm on a date with _____."

"Oh well," she looked down at you. "Shoo shoo. We don't need this psycho around, Shoto."

"Who the hell are you telling to shoo? This is a picnic he put together for me, not you."

"Well, I'm here now, so that doesn't matter. Now, shoo. You'd rather be with me, right Shoto?"

"Well, I-"

"See! Now, go away fatty."

You sighed and stood up. The bi- The girl smirked and watched you walk up to her. "Leave, or I'll kick your ass."

"You wouldn't dare! Shoto already shortened the competition because of your crazy ass! No doubt, he'll decide to marry me tomorrow," she said as she flipped her hair.

"Look, go away," Shoto said. "I didn't want to say so until tomorrow, but I'm not marrying you."


"I ended this early because I picked my bride, and it's definitely not you."

"You're gonna choose her over me?!" She exclaimed.

"I never said that."

She slapped you. "You bitch!"

"We're not doing this again," you hissed before you punched her in the face. She held her bleeding nose and began to tear up. "Y-you'd really choose this psycho over me?!"

Shoto looked down at her and sighed. "I'll get someone to tend to your wound."

"I'll see you tomorrow," you said to Shoto before you walked away.

"Wait. Why don't we go to that place? He wants to see you. How about we go there in an hour?"

"Sure," you said before walking away.

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