🌞𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 յՅ: 𝕴 𝖈𝖆𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖊𝖙 𝖍𝖎𝖒 𝕶𝖓𝖔𝖜🐱

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Text in Bold are text messages.

Text in Italic but have no colons are thoughts

Text in colons are speech.


Taehyung had invited Jimin over to his house. His parents weren't home at the moment so why not invite a friend over. 15 minutes after inviting Jimin over the phone, Jimin was knocking at the door.

"Coming!" Taehyung yelled from upstairs..

He rushed to the door and opened it.

"hey tae!" Jimin waved hello.

"Jiminie~ I'm so glad you came!" he exclaimed happy.

Jimin came in. Taehyung locked the door.

"what you wanna o tae?"

"let's see...why not watch a movie?" Taehyung suggested..

"okay, let's make snakes first." Jimin suggested with a smile.

"Okay let's go to the kitchen." Taehyung led.


Taehyung and Jimin were now in the kitchen, both popping popcorn in the microwave and getting drinks from the fringe to drink with said popcorn. 

"Umm..there's also chocolate and ice cream in the fringe Hyung, could you take them out for me plz"



After they got the snakes(Snacks but I ain't changing it...why do I keep doing this!? T-T) ready they when into the living room where the big 124 inched TV stood hanging from the wall.

"what movie should we watch Hyung?" Tae asked, scrolling through movies.

"Let's watch frozen 2, I haven't watched that yet," Jimin suggested a movie.

"Okay! I haven't watched it either."


The movie started playing and the two sat on the couch, both munching on their snakes and slipring there drink through a straw.

few minutes in the movie they were singing along with Elsa.

"ah ah ah ah~" Jimin sang

"show yourself~ I'm ready to learn"

"ah ah ah ah~" Jimin sang

They singed along to the song.

They giggled laughed.

The laughed.

The played.

They joked.

They were in awe.

They  worry.

They were having a great time watching Frozen 2.

The movie then finally came to an end.


"That was great!" Jimin spoke, a smile on his face, happy to watch the movie.

"I know right!" Taehyung added.

"I'm glad I get to watched it with you tae" Jimin said, this caught Taehyung off guard.

"r-really?~" For a moment Taehyung had hoped that he and Jimin might be a thing

"yeah you're my best friend after all, my soul mate~" Jimin said with a bright smile. Taehyung smiled back, but with a forced one. He admitted that he loves the idea that Jimin thought of him as a soul mate and all, but...Jimin definition of soul mate was different from him..he was sadden that maybe he should give up on the idea of him and Jimin might be possible someday.

"Tae are you alright." Jimin asked worried, Tae had stopped smiling and was looking a little sad you could say.

Taehyung snapped back to reality and acted as if nothing was wrong.

"y-yeah! I'm going to the bathroom for a while, I'll be back soon Go ahead a pick a movie in the mean time."

"okay, hurry back soon okay" Jimin responded.

"okay." He said weakly but with a little forced energy.

Taehyung left the living room and ran up the stairs to his bedroom, goin inside his bathroom and sliding down the door after shutting it.

Tears slowly filled Taehyung's eyes, slowly crawling down his cheek.

"..I-I can't let him know...if he does, I'll be the cause of our friendship to end.."

"I'm sorry Jiminie...I'm so sorry.." he sobbed lowlily, not wanting Jimin to hear.

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