Hanahaki disease

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Just warning this will obviously contain swearing and some  blood because of  hanahaki disease, I'm not good at explaining stuff so if you don't know what that is I recommend you searching it before reading, this might or might not have a bad ending, who knows I ain't spoiling, you gotta read for your own self ^ ^
Anyways enjoy.

I most not tell them, I most not even tell him especially, I don't wanna make them worried, well I don't think HE would be worried, Kokichi that is...I started develop felling for him the more I spend my free time with him, plus I bet that will just go away anytime.

Y-yeah it will, I just need too-



I say that but then I jinx it by a loud cough that itch inside me making it uncomfortable and painful, not only that but my body collapses on my carpet floor dorm covering my mouth with my hand which was only useless as it would leak blood trough my fingers making the floor messy.

"Fuck..." I said even though I knew that swearing won't do anything, but it was the only thing I managed to say so far.

I looked at my hand only to see a hand full of pink blood and some flower petals this time, I've read something similar to this, before this stupid killing game, should I even call it a game? Tsk whatever.

I dragged my attention back to my hand and giving it a sad look.

"Hanahaki disease wasn't it?" I said to myself starting to get up and find something around my room to clean my bloody mess.

3rd person POV

You tried to search every inch of your room but found nothing so you had no choice but to look outside your room, so you finally walked towards the door and only to regret it as you saw two people outside, the worst two people right now, Kokichi and Shuichi together talking.

At that point you felt nothing but jealousy around your body, but that immediately stopped as you felt something itching around your neck and lungs.

'no no No No NO!!! Not right now! Hold it for a bit longer at least!' you thought now Ignoring the two males talking, at least you tried to ignore them but then one of them called out.

"Hey Y/N!"  Said the grape pants boy waving at you with a smile and walking towards you, but holding Shuichi's hand dragging him along.

That made you fell even worst, making your throat itch once more harder and painful, so you just ran ignoring both of them and leaving them behind.

You stopped in a nearby bathroom and starting coughing the blood and flower petals right away.

Damn it...it looked worst then last time, not just petals this time but a almost full rose came out and more blood then usual as well.


You were being so loud that you didn't even notice someone coming in, and as you turned back to see who caught you, you saw him, of all people.


Before you could finish his name a loud cough escape from your mouth, and there came out the blood exposing the flowers as well to him, it seems like just by looking at him it made you fell absolutely horrible, so you tried to avoid as much eye contact possible.

After a while of silence you felt a warm embrace around you and a soft whisper on your hear.



"Idiot! Why didn't you tell me! What would have happened if you just died! P-please, don't leave me too..." said Kokichi soaking my clothes on the back with what seems like tears and embracing me tighter not letting me go.

And today was a day that you saw a new side of Kokichi that you didn't think you would see, to see him like this, makes me happy that he actually cares about me and to see a new side of him is a bonus, but also sad to see him like this.

All I could do right now is hug him back and say "Sorry..".

"L-look it costs me to say this too but, I'm also sorry, for not retreating your felling earlier I think you know I'm not good with those "lovey dovey" stuff ya know.

You release a soft giggle "okay okay, but we can let go of the hug right?" You said just embarrassed if someone walked in on us hugging in a corner of a bathroom.

"No! Never! I ain't letting my sweetheart go!" Kokichi looked up on me and did THAT grin on his face, creepy but you didn't mind "by the way, you stopped coughing".

You just realized, he was right, I did stop coughing and my body fells more comfortable especially my throat who was no longer itching and hurting.

Also one thing came in mind, ONE stupid thing came in mind and that is "wait why are you in the girls bathroom anyways"

"Oh this is actually the boy's bathroom, you were just too careless~" Kokichi smirks and hugs you tighter so you won't leave.

"W-wait WHAT! Let me go!" You said turning away and embarrassed you blushed a mad pink across your cheeks.

"Mmmh how about it no~"


900 words
To be honest, I wanted this story to be a heart breaking one and make you die in this story, but I would fell bad if I do upset one of you and I don't want that .-. Well I might do a bad ending one soon, but next story will probably be just wholesome ^ ^ also this story was shorter then I expected, anyhow hope you enjoyed and cya soon!

Kokichi Ouma x Reader // Danganronpa v3 one shotWhere stories live. Discover now