Chapter 1: Introduction

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"You idiot! That was the last popsicle!"

"Oh was it? I didn't even notice." I said sticking my tongue out at Harry and ran away as he started chasing me.


"Oh no you didn't." I screamed and laughed.

"Hmm, looks like I did." Harry said and screamed like a girl just after when I grabbed his feet and pulled him into the pool with me. We then laughed hysterically and splashed water at each other.

Harry is my best friend. He has always been, since the day he was born. I'm one day older than him (or "17 hours" as Harry would say) and we are basically siblings. Our mothers were best friends when they were young, not anymore though since mine's kinda out of the picture..
Harry's mother, Nikki, has always been like a second mother to me. And that's why he's like a second brother to me (I've already got my biologic brother, Luke). As me and Harry grew up together, we made these set of rules..

"Hey, you are being way too loud! I'm trying to get some homework done."

And that is Tom, Harry's stupidly hot brother, but totally off limits.. Which brings me to the first rule, or actually the ninth.. Rule #9: Relatives of your best friend are off-limits.

"You never do homework." Harry answered laughing. I laughed and splashed some water at him.

"Hey Y/N, I like your shirt." Tom said and laughed complacently. I looked down, well knowing I was wearing a white shirt.. and everyone knows that white clothes and water aren't a good combo.

"H-Hi Tom" I said and smiled awkwardly while waving.

I always tended to get nervous around Tom, which is kind of weird since I also grew up with him. But it's different with him. Firstly, Tom is our school's most popular boy and he has never really talked to me (like we haven't had a real conversation). Secondly, I was probably just his stupid little brother's best friend.. I only saw him when I was at Harry's house or when he was making out with some random girl in the middle of our school's parking lot. Gross. But he's a bad boy, and I'm not really into bad boys - so me getting nervous around him, was a mystery. Still, he had always kind of protected me (and Harry). He's always there to beat the shit out of the guys who were beating the shit out of Harry.

"Why you always gotta be so awkward?" Harry said, splashing water at me and then died from laughter.

"Says you! Forgot when you kissed Ari the other day and she ran away screaming?" I said and laughed. "Oh and you have some green thing stuck in your front teeth" I added. Rule #8: Best friends must tell each other if there is something stuck in their teeth or on their face.

He removed the thing from his teeth, took a good look at it and then ate it. Ew. I gagged and looked away.

"First of all, you weren't even there, you're so boring and don't even go parties" He rolled his eyes "Secondly, you haven't even had your first kiss, so who are you to talk?" Harry replied self-satisfied, smirked and then turned his back at me.

"At least, I didn't have my first with Sally." I said chuckling and Harry turned around and jumped me.

Well yeah, that's our friendship. We argue, we fight and we laugh. And I love it.
Also, Harry described me pretty well right there. I was that boring and awkward girl. Never had my first kiss, never went to parties, terrible with boys.. but over summer something changed. I had gotten an ass by then and my boobs had grown. A few days before this I went to the local supermarket to get Harry and I some chips, and on my way there I passed by a group of guys, who whistled at me. I found it really awkward, but I had never tried it before, so it also kind of made me feel good about myself. I actually have a really nice body now, and that's something I had to get used to. I could feel things were gonna be different that year. Maybe senior year was gonna be my lucky year.

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