Chapter 2

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"Wait wilbur as if Wilbur soot!?" Tommy ask well shouted and Tubbo nodded

"Yep just like I said, he is a pretty great leader, having plans and some of that shit also he is very caring of us" Tubbo explained as he finished patching up the hole

"I mean yeah but remember before? he literally went insane and doesn't care for anyone else before-"

"Tommy stop okay? We talked about this" Tubbo cut off Tommy as his expression was a straight face

"Oh right sorry.." Tommy's voice trailed off as he felt guilty of talking a subject that both Tubbo and him well mostly Tubbo that is very sensitive to hear nor talk about it

"Nah its fine Man no worries" Tubbo said as he pats Tommy's shoulder for comfort which gladly made Tommy smile after

"Thanks Big T"

"Your welcome, now will you excuse me I shall announce my speech" Tubbo said in a fancy accent as he stiffens his nose up to look 'fancy'

Tommy wheezed and Tubbo chuckles as both of them walked over to the new made podium

Before when they go to Schaltt's funeral, Tubbo has announced that he will have a speech to tell once he patch up the left over holes

Tommy took a seat on the front as Tubbo walk up to the podium

Just then everyone noticed that Tubbo is standing on the podium as they immediately ran to their seats and began to sat down

Silence was filled in the air

the only one who isn't showing up yet was Wilbur

Tubbo look around the people below where he is standing as he was searching if everyone was there but he saw Wilbur wasn't there

"So everyone! Welcome well...I can't begin yet since one of the members is not yet here so we shall wait-"

"No need to wait"

Everyone heard that voice, they all turned to see Wilbur there standing on the back of the seats

they see Wilbur walking down the path as he finds a empty seat right beside Tommy

"Mind if I seat here?" Wilbur questioned as Tommy simply just nodded

Wilbur took his seat and he look at Tubbo

"Well....nevermind what I said" Tubbo said embarrassedly but he quickly change his mood into normal

"Now that we are all here...I would like to announced that I will not be no longer your president of this nation"

Everyone eyes widened except for the blond hair boy who just sat there still listening

Everybody was stunned to hear the announcement of the now known bee lover not president anymore

"Well someone will be announced to be the new president of course and if I call their name they will come up here and take my place of being the president and also having their own speech" Tubbo said calmly

Everybody was waiting for Tubbo's calling for their new former president as quiet tension was in the atmosphere

"Please walk up here...Wilbur soot"

Wilbur's eyes were widened so was everybody else

'!' Wilbur was practically screaming inside, he couldn't believed that he gets to be the president again, a leader again...

He saw Tommy small smiled at him as he stands up and walk up to the stage of the podium

He met Tubbo there as Tubbo moved aside a bit so that Wilbur will have space to speak his speech

Wilbur walk over where the microphone is as he took it and began to speak

"Wow...I can't believed I get to be the president again after all of what I did, but I would like to say thank you Tubbo for choosing me to be the new president of this nation I really appreciate it, I would like to say that I promise that I will be a good president this time, I will no longer greed for power, I will no longer make wars nor be in a rebellious group anymore, from now on I shall do my rightful responsibilities and duties of being a president of this nation.."

Everyone cheered for their new well their old president becoming their president once again, They all were happy that their leader that they known and loved came back of being the leader again

Nothing can go wrong...


"Also another announcement once that L'manberg is all fixed up again we shall have a party of that day at dawn to celebrate of me being the new president and also to celebrate L'manberg's freedom, that's all for now thank you all for listening" Wilbur smiled as he puts down the microphone

(A/N wow two chapters already? nice anyways hope ya'll enjoy and also what did you all think of Wilbur became the new president? anyways have a nice day/night!)

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