Chapter 17

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It was morning in the server as everyone slowly woke up from their slumber

Tubbo waking up felt strange, he feels something on his head but he isn't clear what it is, but he brushed it off and continued to do his everyday morning routine

He first got out of bed stretching then go to the bathroom to take a shower, after that he goes to his closet and picked out his L'manberg uniform just like everyday should be

When he was done changing his clothes he goes to his full body mirror in the living room to check out what he looks like

He goes downstairs by sliding on the railing for the first time, and he admits it, it was fun but scary too since he can fall anytime anyways he goes into his living room and stands in front of the mirror

He smiled at his reflection he was looking good but he sees something on his head, it was not visible to see clearly but when he goes closer to the mirror to see it clearly he saw it, or them

The brunette boy eyes widened, this wasn't impossible right? does he has horns

The horns look like stump horns not growing huge yet but it was getting there as they were small

Tubbo was speechless

"I-I...what is this?" Tubbo is really not believing that he was growing literal  horns

When Tubbo touched the horns they were not pointy and sharp

"Why do I have these..."


" is your son?"

"Hm? Oh...Well"

Schlatt stopped for a second thinking of a answer for the Totem hybrid's question

"I...haven't seen him for these years...even tho that witch told me that he will be rebirth and that I will able to see him soon" Schlatt answered looking down, he sure miss his son

"You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable-"

"No its fine lets just go back to the meet- argh..." Schlatt grunted holding his head

"Schlatt?" Foolish asked, feeling worried for his leader

"THIs BastarD...i-is trying to Take cOntrol"  The ram's voice was messed up, it still sounds like him but mixed with someone's voice who has a british accent

"who? who's trying to get their body back?"

"ME!" Schlatt turned around and Foolish sees that the other eye color was chocolate brown

The man kneeled down, two souls were fighting for control while the hybrid Totem has no idea of what to do

Then he had a idea

"Schlatt forgive me for this...but this will help you to get your control back"

"Just Do whAt you need to DO!" the man shouted still fighting for control

The Totem hybrid chanted a spell and then Schlatt passed out

Foolish looked at the man as he sighed


"Schlatt...what the hell are you doing to me?!" A man with curly brown hair shouted at the Hybrid ram

"Can't you see you idiot your body is mine now" The hybrid ram answered glaring at the british man

The man's eyes widened as Schlatt can see that his hand formed a fist

The man ran forward to Schlatt but chains started to come out of nowhere and they grabbed the man's hands, legs and torso as they chained him up making him not able to run towards the ram

"I just want to see my friends back! I just want to have my body back! please!" The man pleaded while the chains slowly pulled him away going to the black void that the man was stuck in for long

Schlatt just laughed like a maniac

"You are sure pathetic aren't you? now get back to the void, by the time I got out of your body your loved ones will hate you...forever" Schlatt smirked turning his back away from the man

"I swear they will saved me! Just you wait Schlatt!"

"We will see about that...Wilbur"

Wilbur vanished, going into the black void

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