Chapter 16

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"Phil can we talk for a bit?" Dream said standing on the door frame

"sure mate" Phil answered turning around to see the green hood man

Dream walked into the room shutting the door locked and chanted a spell, the door glowed and it turns back to normal

"You put a silence spell in the room?" Phil asked

"Yes, so that them being outside will not hear our conversation" Dream said turning around to face the winged man


"Now...please answer me honestly, What deal did you do with that goat?" Dream more likely demanded to Phil

Phil's eyes widened by this

"How did you knew?" Phil asked slightly feeling panicked

"Seriously Philza minecraft? I'll tell you soon but please answer the question" Dream said sternly

Phil looked down a bit rubbing his arm because of nervousness that is going through in his veins right now

" see"


Phil was busy building up a stable for Techno's horse named Carl after the war between pogtopia and Manberg happened, Phil could really see Techno's love and compassion for the horse buddy he has and he wanted to give Techno something special

(A/N: so in this timeline the pogtopia vs manberg war took place two days ago before the explosion in L'manberg happened so the explosion for L'manberg didn't happened in the Pogtopia vs manberg war it happened two days later)

While he was building the stable he felt a bad presence near his surroundings

'Huh...a bad spirit is near...' Phil thought but he continued on building, ignoring the presence that is growing stronger and stronger

He felt a tap on his shoulder, he froze he doesn't know what to do he felt the spirit grinning

"Aww...Is Philza minecraft scared?" The voice whispered in Phil's ear, the voice was familiar to Phil until he realise who voice it was

"Schlatt.." Phil's voice trailed off

"Why yes Phil, it is indeed me"

"what do you even want from me? you are a spirit now you better go and passed on" Phil said digging his nails into his palms

"You do know that I can't since afterlife is being a bitch to me"

"Fucking knew it..." Phil sighed holding onto his nose bridge

"I want to make a deal with you mr minecraft" Schlatt said as he was circling around the avian man

"What do you even want?" Phil said crossing his arms

"I want you to get that revival book  from Dream and revived me"

"And what you think that I will follow that hm?" Phil said confidently but that made it worse, Schlatt growled and slammed Phil onto the wall hard

Phil felt stinging pain going through his body and his wings because of how hard the impact did to him

"Listen here you old bastard, you get that book for me or else your 'musician' will get the consequences for your selfish actions" Schlatt snarled, warning the avian

Phil was panicked by this, he doesn't want Wilbur to get dragged into this mess that he and Schlatt are having, but he doesn't want to help Schlatt either, he has to decide what to do

Phil felt hopeless so he looked down signaling the ram hybrid spirit that he won

Schlatt saw this reaction from the avian as he slowly grinned knowing that the man had no other choice but to follow

" get that book for me, you have two days to do the deal, if you failed....Your musician will be punished for your helpless actions"

Those were the ram last words as he vanished

Phil felt his legs quickly failed on him as he kneeled down

He had no other choice but to follow Jschlatt



"Yeah...I had no other choice but I had to follow what he said but...Techno broke the deal" Phil said looking down

"How?" the mask green hoodie man asked as the Avian man sighed


The final day where Phil has to revive Schlatt

It was today, the day where Phil has to revive the ram, he looked at the book he was currently holding it was the revival book...

He sighed as he felt the spirit of the ram there again with him

" revive me"

The avian had no choice but to follow, he began to chant the words that is in the book slowly the book words started to glow so is Schlatt

Schlatt was now grinning to see his spirit body started to go back to their alive color

when the revival was half way almost done the door kicked opened

Phil jumped by this sudden action stopping the chanting causing the book to stopped glowing and Schlatt's body goes back to being a translucent spirit body

"NOOOOOOO!" The spirit ram screamed he couldn't believed that his revival was almost complete but someone had to ruined it for him

He snarled at Techno who is the one who kicked open the door, he watched the pig hybrid rushed over to  the avian man, catching the knock out avian who used its energy for the revival

"Geez...Phil had to use his energy for your stupid revival Schlatt..." Techno glared at the spirit

"You both will pay...I have to go and find someone now...goodbye"

The spirit vanished away leaving Techno and Phil there with the revival book on the ground


"Wait...that's the day when-"

"L'manberg blew up? yep it was..." Phil said sadly

Dream lifted up his mask for Phil to see his mouth that it was frowning

"I..didn't know that.." Dream said slowly

"Its least you know the truth" Phil reassured the man with the mask

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