Chapter 30: Bench Duo POV'S {Part 2}

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Please be safe


Tubbo POV

I saw Dream started to run towards me as he swings his sword at my direction, I quickly blocked it with my Netherite Axe to stopped it

We both started to clash our weapons at each other. I wanted to stab Dream but he kept on dodging it or Blocking it with his shield

Thia fight seems endless and my energy was lowering down

I need to fight but I'm getting tired

When our weapons clashed on each other once more his strength seems more advanced than mine! His sword was powering over my axe and my energy to strike back was not good!

He then pulled away his sword and it caught me by surprise, Just then He swings his Sword at me and....

I got hit

I yelped in shocked and saw my T-Shirt has a wide slash mark on it, I Blood slowly started to spill out of my skin and I realise where he hit me...

He hit me on my chest

I remembered the festival...

The sound of fireworks shooting directing at my chest . . .




I was lost in thought that I didn't noticed Dream in front of me, I slowly looked up at him and saw his signature smiley face mask on..

He pulled out his sword as he raised it up

He swings it at me...I couldn't move. It's like the time was stopped

I can only focus on his sword going at me

I-Is this the end of me?

I prepared for the impact of his sword but...I felt nothing?

"Sorry Dream" I heard someone said

I blinked my eyes opened and slowly let my arms fall on my sides, I saw Dream on the ground...passed out

Someone protected me

That's when I see a pair of legs in front of my view, I slowly traced my eyes at the back of the figure

I noticed it was wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt?

No it was a suit I see the laces of the Tie


"Hello?" I spoke at the figure

"Oh! Tubbo!" the figure turned his head around and I couldn't believe who it is...

He led a hand out for me to take, I was lost in thought, Why did he saved me? isn't he a traitor? why?

He seemed to noticed my reaction as he pulled his hand away and scratched his nape "Oh yeah...Um.."

"Tubbo! there you are!" I heard someone yelled, It has a british accent on as I heard footsteps going at me

It was jack!

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