Chapter 21

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A sound of explosion occured and the four got knocked out by the things that hit them


Everyone were all got knocked out by the things that flew and hit them that caused them to get knocked out, ashes and dust were on the ground as some of the tree trunks are on the ground

Four passed out bodies were all laying down with bruises and blood coming out of them

"Looks like it got them boss.." A Hybrid totem said while looking at the passed out bodies

A certain man with a beanie on smirked at the view

"Very good tie them up, we need more backups I perhaps" Schlatt ordered looking at the Hybrid Totem who nodded and started to do what Schlatt wanted

'What have you done to them?!' A voice in Schlatt's head yelled, Schlatt just chuckled at the tone of its voice, it was worried and anger mixed together in the tone of the voice

'Oh relax Wilbur they will be up soon..After I make them join my side' Schlatt answered inside of his head, he had to admit sometimes its very nice to talk to Wilbur in his head since he can be lonely sometimes also its fun to see Wilbur so useless that he can't even help out his friends


Schlatt just ignored Wilbur and walked to where Foolish is as he sees that all of the four are tied up

"All good boss.." Foolish said looking down a bit, Schlatt noticed that Foolish is feeling pity for the four

Schlatt growled and teleported in front of the Totem hybrid as he gripped on the hybrid's throat completely chocking him, he lifted the hybrid up making the Totem Hybrid look at him

"Don't you fucking dare feel pity for those fools, Or I will end your life in this instant!" Schlatt warned the Totem hybrid who gulped and nods quickly

He released Foolish off of his gripped that results for Foolish to breath rapidly for air

Schlatt shakes his head in disappointment

"Come on lets get back to the base" Schlatt said picking up the two girls in his arms and teleported away

Foolish slowly nodded picking up the two other and teleporting away, but little did they know someone was watching them

It was a man with red devil horns with a black tail and black skin, he was wearing a black and red hoodie and has a white halo on his head

His eyes were pure white and a gray stripped handkerchief was on his neck

"Looks like his back eh?" The devil man said looking at the man beside him that had diamond like features on his body and has a sky blue hoodie with a derpy face on it

The man had also kinda brownish skin and has brown hair, he nodded agreeing to the devil man beside him

"Yep, I been watching him for awhile and man he is fucking cool"

"Language" The devil man scolded at the diamond hybrid

"Well sorry Bad" The diamond man apologized at the devil man who its name is Bad or full name Badboyhalo

"Its okay Geppy" Bad said and the Hybrid diamond name skeppy smiled

"Lets go back to the badlands we gotta discuss about this" Bad said and skeppy nodded after

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