Chapter 1 - Mondstadt - The Fire-eyed Hawk and the Ice Peacock.

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If at some point in your life, someone came at you and said that among your countless patients, one of them would be an Adept, you would surely roll your eyes and laugh. However, here you were, flipping through the seven files of your newest patients, which for reasons you couldn't presume, one of them was the Adept Xiao, the Conqueror of Demons and the last Yaksha guardian.

You heard stories of him growing up, as well as the other warriors who died in battle, and the fearsome and loving God of Contracts, Rex Lapis. That a long time ago ceased to have contact with the people, the last, killed at the last festival, which brought much sadness to Liyue. Despite yourself not being a great devotee, you could see the effects that the death of the God caused on the people. Of course, you also couldn't forget the most recent battle that the traveler with the Adeptis fought to protect the port against one of the old gods who escaped from prison under the ocean. That was the first and last time you saw the mythology creatures that protect the earth from afar, it was also the first time you really considered learning how to use your vision.

Even so, you had no idea how Lumine would convince an Adepti to subdue himself to therapy sessions, however, the traveler had a way to convince people.

You sigh and drink a sip of tea as you move on to the next file (which, were organized by Lumine herself and honestly, you were a little surprised by the information's) Zhongli, or rather, Mr. Zhongli, the consultant at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. You heard about him recently, just before Rex Lapis died, you have no idea why a funeral parlor would need a consultant, but you saw him walk up and down the city in the company of Lumine and another Fatui. In the file, there was not much information and you could not blame the young woman, but your curiosity about the two patients living in Liyue, was growing at every second.

Diluc Ragnvindr was next on the list, you recognized the name, to be more exact, the last name. Ragnvindr, was a noble family , known for its winery, the "Dawn of Winery" and it's marvelous "Dandelion Wine." Because of this, you could speculate the problems that the only heir to this empire would be going through. The responsibilities on his back, the stress and the mistrust. In addition, the file revealed that he lost his father tragically and soon after severed ties with his foster brother, which, was next on the list.

Kaya Alberich, the captain of the Knights of Favonius, who for some reason was famous among the old women of Mondstadt and the top candidate for grandson (you have no idea why Lumine put this information, but maybe she thought it necessary for you to create a profile?) Anyway, the general, he seemed someone very tranquil, but you never know, besides, the loss of ties with his brother means that there is a problem ...

You once again sigh and lean against the armchair of your seat at the office. You would leave for Mondstadt the next day according to Lumine and Jean, who was arranging a room inside the knights' HQ to accommodate you, next to a doctor's office so you could meet the patients. You never traveled anywhere but Liyue, so you couldn't help but feel anxious to get to know the city of freedom and its wonders, but it hurt you to leave your homeland, even if it wasn't forever, your life, your family and friends were all here, as well as your former patients who passed the street sometimes, thanking you, even if you said over and over again that it wasn't necessary.

Recording every detail of your cozy home in your mind, you look back at the last three files.

Razor, he was raised by wolves in the jungle, and that only information already gave you a migraine. Thousands of questions flooded your head as if you had been hit by a Hydro attack. Razor, how did he survive? How did he grow up? Can he talk? Does he have the capacity to learn? The consequences of no human contact for years and the experience in the jungle could be irreversible, he could never adapt! Clearly, he was the most urgent case, but maybe you needed more help with his case. The information Lumine described, didn't sanitize your mind, even if she said that he walked with both legs and could communicate a little.

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