Chapter 5 - Playing with Fire.

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Hi, I know, it's been a while since I know. This chapter was supposed to come out much earlier, but then came genshin lore and then came inazuma, and many of my ideas were shot down as new ones came too. So it took me a while to think about how I was going to develop everything, and now I have a better plan. Still, I have to warn you, the updates will be slow, slow, but surely. Even more so when the sessions really start, because mental health is not an easy topic, and we already have a lot of misinformation on the internet, so I want to be sure in my research not to contribute to this. I know it won't be perfect but I'll try. And I hope you all can continue to support this story! 

I have to say, I laughed so hard at some comments, I was losing my mind with the one about "Does Zhongli get hard when he hears the word contract?" YOU don't know how much I laughed at this.  Thank you all for making me laugh too, and of course the support.

Now, without delay, enjoy 15k of teyvats need a psychologist!


As soon as you meet Lumine the next morning, you tell her about her encounter with the Adepti, which for the traveler seemed like the greatest comedy show possible because when you're done, she bursts out laughing.

"Of course, Xiao would do this!" Lumine exclaims between laughs.

You roll your eyes but let out a smile. "At least someone is enjoying the situation."

"S-sorry." She says as soon as her laughter calms down, wiping a tear from her eyes. "My first meeting with him was also not the best one. Paimon was so frustrated when he basically kicked us out and disappeared into the thin air."

Paimon nods quickly and crosses her arms. "He was so rude! Paimon wanted so badly to give him an ugly nickname! But... Paimon over time realized that Xiao is not a bad person, he just... is... has a different way to talk, and worry, yeah, that's it!" The fairy added firmly and you smiled.

"The important thing..." Lumine begins to say. "It's that you guys have worked it out and he's willing to give the sessions a chance."

You agree, taking a sip of your tea. You were hopeful and something in your heart told you to celebrate the small victories

"Oh, besides, Bennett and Amber managed to locate Razor, but convincing him to come to town is another story."

"He doesn't like the city?" You ask.

Razor was one of the patients who probably worried you the most. In addition to the probable psychological problems that he may have developed due to the lack of human coexistence, there were the physical ones, such as: as speech, locomotion and behavior, and other problems that could be irreversible.

Due to these factors, you sincerely wanted to start sessions with the boy as soon as possible.

"I don't think he likes big crowds. He told me something like 'many voices, sounds, and smells, hurts the head, the senses.'"

"Hm..." You ponder the information, it could have different meanings and you couldn't conclude much, but... "In this case, we can hold the sessions somewhere far from the city. The important thing is to make the patient comfortable and, in an environment, where he can express himself without pressure or stress."

"That I can arrange. Oh, are you going to talk to Klee today?" Lumine questions next and you nod.

"Yes, but I'm going to stop in the city first, I want to buy some decorations and children's toys, make an area where her and others can feel more comfortable."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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