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(n.)  deep love and respect

Chapter 4:

The two walk around, riding rides, laughing and having a good time.

Ashton's POV:
I'm so glad she's actually talking to me and laughing. "Hey thank you.. I'm glad I decided to go on this date" she looks up at me all smiley. She really is beautiful. "I'm glad you did to" I blushed— she smirked?! Did she notice it? "Omg I want that giant frog!" she tugs at my arm like a child "Ok I'll win it". It took me 4 times and $25 but I got it. "Ash you didn't need to do all that" "Sure I did. You wanted it, You got it". We keep walking and talking and I spot a group of familiar boys headed our way— "shit" I say under my breath "what". I quickly run into the corn maze, pulling her with me. The more we went through it the more we realized they haven't seen us... at least so I thought. After awhile of losing them we go on the Ferris Wheel. "Look I don't like heights, so help me god if you rock this— I'll kill you." she shoots me a straight glare, I KNOW she's serious. The ride stopped at the top pure usual, so I did what any mature 18 year old would do, I started to rock it slightly. "ASHTON OH MY FUCKING GOD STOP" she smacks me. Why is it always me getting hit by the Cliffords?

Harley's pov:
Two of my fears are coming true right now:: 1. I'm on a Ferris Wheel and 2. I'm starting to catch feelings for Ash ON A FERRIS WHEEL. Two things Id never see myself doing/realizing, let alone at the same time?! The view is so beautiful a lot of the carnival rides and games are lighting up the night. It was getting cold so I somewhat cuddled up against him "You chilly?" he peers at me "yea". He rested his head on mine.

No, because— someone tell me why I was bold enough to do this?

I lean up and looking in his eyes "What?" he says, I'm silent "what?" "just shut up" I say and immediately crash my lips into his and on our way back down the ride were just making out like we didn't just see Luke and the others. As we exit the ride Ashton grabs my hand and we start to head to get cotton candy and you would never guess who we bumped into. Great.

Michaels pov:
I've never been more furious in my life— I catch my best friend and cousin LYING to me about not going to see each other like this, but here I was seeing them make out on a Ferris wheel, walking and holding hands, being all coupley and shit. They may think I'm hard on them but I have a good reason— I don't want to be a home wrecker but its for her safety and self respect. His rep is shit and can ruin hers. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING TOGETHER?!!" they immediately let go of hands "Mike I can ex-" Ashton starts to talk "NO DON'T EVEN. YALL LIED TO US. lied to me. Harlequin you know that if you two end up dating he's just going to break you're heart at the end of summer, and go back to sleeping with every girl in the school, so stop being a dumb fuck for five seconds and end this right here right now. AND YOU ASH how could you do that to your own best friend— you're going to break her heart for your personal pleasure. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SLEEPING WITH HER, THAT'LL BE THE LAST THING YOU DO." I look over at Harley and notice her frustration buildup. "fuck. you." she says "wanna say that louder?" the rage in her face fuels my rage in them. She shoves me "I said FUCK YOU. YOU KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT ASH ISN'T LIKE THAT— AT LEAST WOULDN'T HURT ME AND YOU KNOW IT, STOP TRYING TO PROTECT ME FROM SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME". Calum's speaks up "hey guys can we do this back at the house? Your making a scene". She grabs Ashton's hand and walks away, turns around to flip me off then continues to some ride. He's manipulating her she's just to oblivious to see that.

Ashtons pov:
I mean Michael isn't wrong I am a shit person, but the only thing he is wrong about is me going to breakup with her once school starts back If we ever start dating. Calum and Luke follow behind us "Lets just all hang out together as a group" Luke states, Calum nods. You can tell by Harley's mood that she's frustrated by the boy's being near us. "With all do respect could y'all two let us hangout by ourselves?" she says a little heated. Of course mr. jealous Luke speaks up "You two been together the whole time and lied to us. So the least you could do is let us hangout with you" Calum nods. "Whatever."

Calum's pov:
We all head into the mirror maze to play hide n seek, but of course Harley and Ashton head off to "hide". Basically hiding from us. Luke notices them and tells me to break them up. As they were about to kiss (why do they kiss so much) I smash my head in between them. They smooch my cheek. "Damnit Calum why do you have to be a dick too" Ash says. "Listen I was told to break you to up into separate pairs by Luke. So don't get mad at me" Harley just rolls her eyes. "Whatever" she turns and walks away flipping me off as she exists the maze. "Dude what the hell I thought you were better than this?"  "Look Ash I'm sorry but Michael is kind of right about the hoeing around shit and how you can hurt her" I sigh. "Well fuck you Cal, you know damn well I'd never EVER do her like that— I thought you out of all people would understand that" He frowns and walks away. Ashton texts me "Don't even think about following us we would like to finish our date. Please Cal distract Luke and Mike. Please." He owes me big time.

Harley's pov:
After all the bull shit we went through today,  we finally get alone time again just to finish the night off watching fireworks. "Hey Har— question... I mean I think already know how you feel about me, but I really want to know what we are" He seems vulnerable right now I don't understand why but he is. "Well I rea-" he cuts me off  "I just want to let you know I would and will NEVER EVER hurt you" "Ash I kn-" — he does it again "I'm not as big of a dick as Mic"— my turn. I kiss him to shut him up. "Can I talk now? good. Ash, I know you would never hurt me or intentionally do it on purpose. I do like you. So maybe, you know we're more than best friends" I look up at him expecting a response. He just hugs me. "I promise I'll never hurt you or let anyone hurt you, please give me a chance". He smells good. We finish watching the fireworks and head home.

Ashtons pov:
The whole ride home we're blasting music and singing. You can tell she's genuinely happy and having a good time. Being with her makes me happy and a better person whether she knows it or not. She turns down the music. "Hey Ash— are we dating or what?" I thought we already addressed this "Well... I'm all down for it, only if you are?" She elbows me "Oh of course not" she smirks at me. So we are if you don't understand sarcasm. "sick" she says. I turn up the music and we continue home.

"Well m'lady this is your stop. Goodnight Har." She kisses my cheek and hops out the car. "Goodnight Ash". She heads into her house smiling as she closes the door. That girl is gonna be the death of me.

Authors note::
this one was little longer than the others and I enjoyed writing it. Ill get started on Chapter 5 asap mwah thank you again

hope you enjoyed it❤️
Twitter: fcknashtcn

chapter re-written: 05/11/2021

Under the Lemon Tree// ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now