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(a.)  large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy

Chapter 3:

Ashtons pov:
Not gonna lie my bank account hated me yesterday, do I regret it? No, not in the slightest- I can tell she felt terrible but I felt great spoiling her. Michael can't get mad at me because they all dipped while we were in there so he can shut the fuck up. But its Fair day, the boys don't know were going so I hope they don't just show up because we'll be in deep shit.


Ashton- 'Hey you ready for tonight? Im paying again btw'

Harley- 'Wait whats tonight i forgot'

Ashton- The fair, you said yesterday youll go?'

Harley- 'Ik i was just messing lol'

Ashton- 'Ill pick you up at 7pm k?'

Harley- Ok, see you then''

Luke's pov:
Im not sure what everyone is doing tonight but I hope no one is going to be at the fair because I plan on just me and Harley going, maybe I can convince her on liking me rather than Ashton because I'm actually not a player unlike him.

Harlequin 👀

Luke- Hey wyd tn? If nothing wanna go to the fair?

Harley- Im not really feeling well. So id rather stay home sorry

Well that backfired. I guess ill just take the boys.
Which I texted them and they can come but not Ashton... something about family outing m- i dont know something doesn't seem right.

Ashtons pov:
Its kinda awkward in the car right now its just pure silence. I look over at Harley and I can tell she feels the awkwardness to. "Hey" I hope I can start a conversation to ease the tension. "Hey, sorry for not talking its just I dont know what to talk about" I can see the light bulb light up in her head. "Why did you buy me all that stuff?" I wish she didn't ask that "can i not do something for a friend? "  "i mean you totally can but you spent over 1k on me and i just want to know why and not to be rude but how do you have that much money?" I jokingly "my economic standpoint isn't any of your business, but because i wanted to" i smirk. It was silent for a little bit once again "why did you kiss me.." the question i was dreading "oh- shit uh can we forget that ever happened, I'm sorry I don't know why i did it..." she frowns to my response. Did she like it? "So saying wow about my body— wasn't in a sexual way right?" shit she must've got wrong impression "OH lord no, sorry if that came off wrong, never my intention" she laughs "nah I'm just playing, I did look pretty hot if I do say so myself" she smirks. the rest of the ride was silence.

Baileys POV:
Pure silence— that's all it was.. silence pretty much the whole time walking to the ticket stand. We go to buy tickets, and FINALLY he says something to me "Look i'm sorry for the kiss and for asking you out, I- I just— never mind" I hate when he does this.. "nah dude what you cant stop at "oh never mind" " I mock him "I wish I didn't do any of that stuff because of Michael, I agree with him that if I like you it could mess our group up. And I'm trying so hard not to like you and I keep falling deeper, deeper into my own grave" he sighs, he's being vulnerable right now and I don't know if i want to say anything, hug him, or laugh. Not laugh at him in a rude way but in a way to not be mute.

sorry for a short chapter but i wanted to get some chapters up for you— lmk what you think
mwah mwah

chapter re-written: 05/11/2021

Under the Lemon Tree// ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now