How To Say "I Love You" Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


In one, Yesung couldn't seem to get the right feeling so the camera man told him to think of something that made him happy. His eyes were looking for something. I wonder what he was thinking that made him happy. But then, he stopped to look at me and smiled.

All I remember was hearing the director saying "Perfect!"


I couldn't think straight. I just heard the staff talking about Kyuhyn who was next. Why was Yesung staring at me?. Oh, he was probably remembering about the accident at the dorm the other day. Of course, who wouldn't laugh at the thought of it?. Suddenly, Yesung started walking towards me. He stood next to me while Kyuhyun was getting his solo shots. Kyuhyun looked good, he looked professional. Great, just remembered another damn reason he was my favorite. I shook my head, trying to clear those useless thoughts. But I wish it was the same way like before.. Not having to worry about anything. Thinking Kyuhyun was a nice person, not what he really is. I was so into my thoughts. I barely noticed Yesung looking at me. It was awkward. He was standing without talking, and just looking at me quietly.

"He looks good, doesn't he?" Yesung surprised me by asking.

"Huh?" I asked not knowing what he was talking about.

"Kyuhyun . You think he looks good, I could tell by the way you were staring at him" he replied.

Crap, was I staring at him for too long? I didn't know what to reply so all I did was shrugged my shoulders. Yesung chuckled quietly. Oh god, can somebody just kill me?! And then I thought if the fans knew I was Super Junior's manager, they will be more than glad to do me the favor. I thought it was so funny, I couldn't control myself and I started laughing outloud.

"Shit.." I murmured.

Kyuhyn and the whole staff turned around to look at me. My face got all red and I bowed quickly, embarrassed. Kyuhyun suddenly started walking towards me.

"Come on, lets go somewhere before you disrupt the shoot again."

He said when he reached to where I was. He grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me to the exit.

"Somewhere? What about the photo shoot? And how are we going to get home?!" I asked panicked.

"It's a cafe, and is Yesung's turn anyways. And for your information, it's called taking a bus. I'm sure a commoner like you has taken one of those before." He replied coldly.

Ouch, that was too much. I yanked my arm off his grasp. He looked at me for a second, then started walking again. I had no clue where we were, so I had no choice but to follow him. After 5 minutes of walking, we reached a little cute cafe. It looked empty and kind of old, why would Kyuhyun the Great want to come to somewhere like this? Wait, the fans. We entered the cafe, and sat at the table in the furthest corner. A lady who looked like she was in her 40's came and asked us what we wanted. I looked at Kyuhyun since I didn't know this place.

He sighed and said "We'll have 2 hot chocolates please" he smiled at her. And it looked sincere. He then turned cold once again, and stared at me. Our eyes locked...

"Heundeullinen geon neoui ma eumppun~" my phone it started ringing. It was A-Cha, and my text ringtone was Kyuhyun's part. I quickly turned it off and looked at Kyuhyun who was just grinning.

"Here are your 2 chocolates" the lady came back, putting down 2 hot chocolates that looked delicious. I grabbed mine and I smelled it. It smelled even better! I was about to take a sip when Kyuhyun startled me by putting $10 in the table.

"Lets go" he said standing up.

"Wait, what? We haven't even tried this! " I said, mad.

"I don't care, you're boring" he left through the door. I grabbed my phone and ran after him. I didn't see him anywhere, so I started walking down the street.


Where is he?! I've been walking around the block for like 20 minutes already. Am I lost? No, I'm not. I'll find him anytime now. I started hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around but there was no one there. Strange... Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth.


Chapter 8 Sneak Peek

"Shut up! They will hear us!" He whispered at me. I stood there as quietly as possible.


I'm done! I'm sure you guys want to know what's going to happen xD . And where is Kyuhyun? Who knows, he's probably at home playing Starcraft already lol. So, did you guys liked it? Vote/Like and comment😊

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