How to say "I Love You" Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:


I went down to today's date and it read "kyuhyun and Yesung- Photoshoot" Just my luck! I get stuck with the snob and the weirdo. I fell asleep imagining the disaster the Photoshoot would be.


I think I'm sick... I see this blurry image of a person in my head... Wait, no... I opened my eyes more just to see Sungming's face really close to mine.

"Y-yah!!!" I screamed pushing him away. All he did was laugh and ran out of my room. Seriously, what's up with these kids? How old are they anyways? Well whatever I have to get dressed.


After I took a shower, I got dressed and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I walked in to the kitchen and I saw all the members were there. Except for one... Kyuhyun. I forgot he's the heavy sleeper.

"Good Morning" I said to them. Sitting down in the nearest chair.

"Good Morning!" They all screamed at once. Oh god they are really loud. I smiled at them when suddenly someone put in front of me a plate filled with eggs, bacon and pancakes. It looked so good! I looked up to see it was Ryeowook the one who did it.

"You made this?" I asked him.

He smiled "Hope you like it"

I was slowly enjoying my meal but then I remembered the schedules for today. After I was done, I ran to my room to get their schedules and came back to the kitchen.

"Ok, Sungmin, Kangin and Ryeowook. You have today off" I said while they high-five each other.

"Leeteuk, Shindong, Eunhyuk and Heechul. You have a Strong Heart recording today" I told them. "Donghae and Siwon, Photo shoot"

And here is my favorite part of the day, I thought sarcastically. "I will be accompanying Yesung and Kyuhyun for their photo shoot" I said while looking at Yesung, who was just smiling at me. I wonder if he remembers what happened yesterday... It doesn't matter! It's almost time and I will be with him and Kyuhyun.. Wait, Kyuhyun.

I ran to his room remembering he was still sleeping. I was about to knock when I heard shooting. I ducked to the floor, scared. But then I listened closely. It was Kyuhyun!!

"Yah! Get ready!" I opened the door and screamed. I heard someone choke in the kitchen. Oops, screamed too loud. Kyuhyun was siting up in his bed with his laptop in his lap, staring at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"W-what do you think you're doing?! Get out!" He screamed back at me.

"No! It's time to go and we'll be late!" I yelled at him. He got up and pushed me out of his room.

"It will only take me 15 minutes, potato head" he smirked at me then closed his door.

"Don't call me that!" I screamed at his door, since he closed it. I walked to the kitchen but only Sungmin and Ryeowook were there.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked embarrassed by my little scene with Kyuhyun.

"They left for their schedules and Kangin is in his room" Sungmin replied.

"Oh.. Wait, and Yesung?" I asked looking around. I heard laughing and I turned around to see Yesung behind me. I quickly stepped back.

"Why are you guys not in the car?!!" Kyuhyun yelled coming out of his room.

"Car? What car? Don't you guys have a van?" I asked confused.

"No, the other members took it already" Yesung said waving his keys in front of me.

"Lets go then" Kyuhyun said, heading towards the door.


The drive to the photo shoot was awkward. You will think that they will be talking all the time, but that's wrong. We reached the photo shoot and Yesung and Kyuhyun went to get prepared. Kyuhyun came out first with those clothes that made him look hot and sexy.. Wait, no. He's a jerk, I thought shaking my head. Just a few minutes later Yesung came out wearing an all black suit. He looked... Hot, I admit. They had a few shots together, then separately. In one, Yesung couldn't seem to get the right feeling so the camera man told him to think of something that made him happy. His eyes were looking for something. I wonder what he was thinking that made him happy. But then, he stopped to look at me and smiled.

All I remember was hearing the director said "Perfect!"


I'm finally done! Aww! I bet you guys can guess what Yesung was thinking xD I couldn't think of a way to end this but I finally did>•<

Hope you guys enjoy it:) Please like/vote and comment!!!❤❤

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