How to say "I Love You" Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:


Kyuhyun suddenly got really close to me and leaned his face next to mine and whispered in my ear. "You don't know what you have done. But I will make sure to show you it was a mistake." And then he left the through the door.

Great, what HAVE I done??


"Well.. That was something" Ryeowook said faking a smile.

I smiled back knowing he didn't have anything to do with it. I stood up to go to my room.

"It sure was.. Well I'm sure you are tired because of your schedules and tomorrow you have to wake up early again, so you should go rest now" I replied giving him smile.

"Ok" he answered leaning to his room. I started walking to my room but then I forgot which one was mine... Oh god this is so embarrassing!! I stood there for 5 minutes trying to remember like an idiot until I heard snickering. I turned my head to the direction of the sound and found Yesung laughing at me.

"Your room is the last one in the left next to Kyuhyun's" he said reading my mind.

I blushed embarrassed and told him thank you running to my room. I got inside my room and closed the door quickly. Oh my god I'm such an idiot!! Whatever, I'm just their manager not anything special. I went to lay in my bed but suddenly I heard screaming and shouting.

"Yah!! You made me lose!!" a voice said from the room next to me.

Who is next to me again?.. Ugh, I got a headache just by thinking about it. Kyuhyun. He's so rude! Definitely not the person he showed in TV. The only truth is that he is obsessed with Starcraft, which he won't stop playing right now. I went to go check on him, when I noticed it was already 1am. I knocked on his door hard, but he wouldn't respond. I slowly opened his door to find him asleep in the floor with his laptop in his lap. Seriously this kid.

"Yah, Kyuhyun" I said while shaking him. He's going to be hurt in the morning if he keeps sleeping like that. He wouldn't wake up no matter what I did and I didn't want to wake up any of the members it was too late. I sat down in the floor too tired to stand. Suddenly I felt a hand in my shoulder.

"Ahhh!!" I screamed just to see Yesung looking at me with a sleppy face. I turned around to see Kyuhyun woke up as well. Well at least that mini heart attack helped with something.

"Yah! What are you guys doing in my room at night!" Kyuhyun screamed.

"Chill Mr. Perfect, I was trying to wake you up so you wouldn't get hurt but I guess someone is a heavy sleeper" I said while standing up. I noticed Yesung was still standing behind me.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" I asked worried. All he did was stare at me and then he left back to his room. Well, isn't he a weird one.

"Get out of my room, you creep. You are probably one of those fans that always watches me in the Internet and now is trying to watch me sleep" h said while pushing me to the door.

I felt my face get red because he was right about watching him in the Internet. But I wouldn't watch him sleep!! That's too creepy..

"Look, it's all your fault for staying up at 1 in the morning" I told him. "Now go to sleep, you all have schedules tomorrow" I said walking to my room.

"Whatever, potato head" he laughed then shut the door. Great, I'm going to love this job! I went inside my room and laid in the bed, wondering who I'll be with for today's schedule. Lets see.. I opened up my own schedule that Mr. Kim did for me. Later on I will have to do it myself. I went down to today's date and it read "kyuhyun and Yesung- Photoshoot" Just my luck! I get stuck with the snob and the weirdo. I fell asleep imagining the disaster the Photoshoot would be.


Uhh.. I wonder what is going to happen at the Photoshoot xD Sorry I took long, everything with Christmas had me busy Dx Please don't take personal the character coldness towards Super Junior🙏She still is not that close to them. And this is a FAN FICTION!! Do not post anything mean because of the characters personalities. Thank you for reading!!

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