Chapter 5

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Photo of crash!

I walk down the dimly lit hallway feeling my body shiver as the freezing cold hit me. Flicking on the light to the kitchen I open the fridge and pull out a sandwich O made for me and a bottle of orange juice. Grabbing my bag I toss it in picking up my phone and keys on my way out. It's been two weeks since my first day on the job, and I'm still having trouble adjusting properly. I'm used to waking up after noon with a raging hangover, not this.

I told O and Anthony about my job and they've been oddly supportive. After all things have sort of been normal for once.

Normal may be a stretch considering our situation, but we've all gotten along. Plus there is no more weird tension between the three of us, and I have managed to avoid any more awkward encounters with Hayden. So you could say things are going just dandy.

Heading out of the apartment building I break into a jog towards the cafe once again. This feeling of a routine was weird, but it gave me something to do, and money to pay for my expensive hobbies. Arriving at the cafe I push open the door and am instantly greeted by the smell of sizzling bacon and bread. Yum.

Excitedly making my way through the cafe I barge in to the kitchen expecting to see Hayden cooking up a storm wearing a sloppy grin and singing quietly to himself.

But instead I was greeted by something else.

That something else being Hayden in a pair of boxers holding a pair of tongs over a pan of bacon and eggs. His face instantly turns red with embarrassment when he sees me and he quickly cowers behind the counter in an attempt to cover himself.

He waves awkwardly at me offering me a childish grin "hey Crash!".

"Hayden Uhm. What are you doing?" I say not sure if I wanted to know the answer to that. I barely knew this guy, maybe he was a total freak!

He covers his face with his hands letting out a low sigh. Suddenly the door to the pantry opens and out walks a girl in a loose shirt holding a box of crackers. That was definitely Hayden's shirt.

"Hey babe, I found the crackers" she says absentmindedly yet to notice my presence. My mouth drops open involuntarily and I quickly turn on my heels dashing out of the kitchen in record time. So Hayden eh....

Seconds later Hayden stumbles out of the kitchen pulling on a pair of sweats hastily.

"Dude sorry! Shit sorry! We totally lost track of time." He says stuttering subtly, as his cheeks reddened even more. He was like a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. It was adorable! In a totally not gay way I mean.

I swallow the lump in my throat and smile at him. "I can see that." I watch him squirm uncomfortably as he crosses his arms across his naked chest as his eyes shoot around the room, looking at anything but me.

Suddenly a overwhelming feeling takes over and I burst out laughing uncontrollably doubling over as I clutch my stomach tightly. I probably kept this going for all of 1 minute, but it felt like eternity. Him standing there glaring at me, and me laughing hysterically at him. Tears were threatening to escape as I tried to
stand straight without laughing.

"Sorry... Hayden.. It's.. Just what even." I say between sobs of laughter. He glares at me annoyed as I fall into a couch finally willing myself to stop laughing. He walks over to me softening his features as he takes a seat next to me. He smelt like girl perfume. Not a fan.

"Look dude sorry. This must be super awkward". He says staring straight ahead quietly.

"No shit. But It's cool though man." I say in an attempt to clear the air and act normal. Silence takes over and we just sit there quietly not sure what to say to one another.

"That's Tia." He says turning towards me as I feel his gaze land on me. I turn towards him looking him straight in the eyes for the first time in a while. He looked sad. For a guy that just got some, he sure wasn't as happy as he should be.

"Tia. As in ex Tia?" I say offering him my most sincere tone, when really I couldn't care less for this Tia girl.

"Yep. Ex Tia." He says bobbing his head up and down in acknowledgment. He bites down on his lips as I watch his gaze land on my own lips. His forehead scrunches up into a frown as he starts chewing on his lip nervously.

Instinctively I place my hand on his shoulder pushing him gently to prevent him from making a bad choice. He instantly notices the pressure and reaches to grab my hand on his shoulder.

He holds the tips of my fingers in his hands as he suddenly leans in capturing my lips in a rough kiss shoving me down against the couch. He removes my hand from his shoulder and rests it onto his neck as he starts nibbling on my lips hungrily.

My body refuses to do what my head is telling it to do as I slowly start to ease into his kiss,running my hand up and down his neck as I dig my nails into his the sensitive skin in a feeble attempt to stop him.

His body is tightly plastered to mine now as he tugs at my hair letting out a frustrated grunt. I unwilling moan into his lips as his tongue begins exploring my mouth as if it were in search of hidden treasure.

"What the fuck." A voice interrupts from across the room.


Hey guys! Idk about this chapter, but hopefully it's okay?! Comment down below what team you are though!
#teamO #teamHayden #teamAnt #teamidgaf

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