Palisades park

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''Ant, ant, anthony...'' I hear Ophilia say under her breath as she entwines her fingers with mine. I squeeze her hand tighter out of instict, staring adamantley in to her stormy grey eyes. She gingerly leans in, placing a delicate kiss on my nose, allowing me to get lost in her scent. Ash trays. That's what she smelt like, and I loved it.

''Hey I heard about a cute new place down the street, I'm starved.'' Ant chimes in getting up from the ground next to the bed turning towards us.

''It's too early for food'' I say tossing the covers off of me lazily and moving to the window. The stark and gloomy back alley stares back at me unforgivingly, what a view we have. Running a hand through my messy hair I turn to see Ant on the bed hovering over O covers strewn to the ground.

The pair share a mischevous look as they intwerwine their bodies pressing their lips together, just as Ant shoots me a suggestive glance. I nibble my lip in frustration looking down at my feet as I walk out of the room shaking my head in dissaproval.

I was'nt happy about the situation, but I lived with it. Because I loved Ophilia. Changing my mind about before, I grab my coat and head out towards the alleged 'cute new place' down the street ready to get out of the smoke engulfed apartment. And to get away from Ant and O, but the second part is debatable. I never thought that sharing someone you loved would be difficult, because I didn't think I had the capacity to love.

But sharing O with my best friend made me question my decision in the first place. I mean we all had a mutual love for one another, that was evident, but it was hard not to wonder who loved each other more.

Pulling out a cig from my coat pocket I dig through my jean pockets to find a box of broken matches. This will do. I light the match hurridley wanting to feel my lungs tighten as I inhale the terrible smoke.

Terrible terrible shit this stuff is. Quickly taking another drag I feel my feet hasten as the wind starts to dim the lit end of the cig. Looking around curiously for a place to save the light, I spot a little cafe wedged between two buildings thrice it's size. He wasn't kidding, it really is little.

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